Here's how this works:
In the comments section post four colors you like. Please ensure that at least two of them are basic colors (such as blue, pink, black, green), but feel free to be more specific for the rest (like lime green, aqua, silver, creamy white).
When partners are assigned, check which colors your partner has posted and fill a standard-sized postpak full of items in one or a combination of the colors from their list. No need to cram it full to bursting (although there's certainly no rule against it!), but make sure it has a nice indulgent bulge to it. :) FYI: Standard sized postpaks are 215 x 280mm (and can be bought in packs of 3 from your PO with a slight saving), but anything close to this is fine.
Check your partners profile! Try to send things you think they'd enjoy from what you read there. Please keep in mind that if they're not a crafty person, don't send them craft items.
Plain and simple rule: don't send crap! Send something of the quality you would be happy to receive. The value of the package should be no lower then $10, but no higher then $20. Handmade items can be included in the package, but shouldn't consist entirely of them.
Consider writing a nice note or wrapping items too - this is optional but it can really make the experience a lot more personal. :)
The fine print:
- No newbies (less then 5 completed type 2 or type 3 swaps).
- No recent 1's or unexplained 3's (within the last 3 months).
- Have a well-filled out profile with enough in it to make your partners job of finding things you like a good experience.
- Don't forget to comment with your four colors!
Profiles and color comments will be checked before assigning partners.
Enjoy! :)