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Crochetninja on Sep 3, 2010:

Hi Hannah :-) I'm here for the 'Leave a Nice Comment on my Profile' swap. We have a few things in common - I'm a musician as well. I play piano and I sing and I studied music at university. I also LOVE Tim Burton films. I want to try to collect them all on DVD. I think my favourite has to be Beetlejuice though. My partner loves authors like HP Lovecraft and he has all the Harry Potter books. Have a great time swapping!

![http://www.flickr.com/photos/thecrochetninja/4950496975/" title="cuteninja by Thecrochetninja, on Flickr](http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4083/495049697545d1aa80ebt.jpg" width="100" height="100" alt="cuteninja")

mandymoo on Sep 2, 2010:

G'day from Australia

I'm Mandy & one of your partners for "Read My Profile and Leave a Nice Comment #2!!". I also loved the "Pirates of the Caribbean" Movies. Johnny Depp being my Favourite ♥.

I have 3 furballs, Ozkar-lee, Missy-Moo and Tasha. You can see there Pics on my profile.

I haven been horse riding since i was young, but i do love horses, actually i'm a real animal L♥ver. Love them all.

I would love to be able to play a musical instrument, but i don't think i have the patience...lol

I am a Postcrossing Peep too. But haven't sent as many, lately. I seem to be addicted to Swapbot. ;o)

Keep on Swapping. Mandymoo. =^..^=

xshootingstarsx on Sep 2, 2010:


I'm Aaliyah and I'm your partner for "Read My Profile and Leave a Nice Comment #2!!". I noticed that you can horse ride? That's really cool was, is it difficult horse riding? I've always wanted to learn but I haven't had the chance to yet. I noticed you can play the viola as well? What kind of music do you like to play? Being able to play an instrument is a very good skill to have. :)


aussielisa on Aug 21, 2010:

Hey, thanks for being such an awesome and helpful swap host.

layoutsfromtheheart on Aug 14, 2010:

Hi Hannah! I think it's great you ride horses... I have only done that when I was very young and haven't had the chance since. You play the viola...I have been trying my best at the violin. Just something about string instruments I think is so grand! I think the viola is similar to the violin...I'll have to look that up when I'm done here... I wish I had started when I was young, I'd be an expert by now! :)

I also belong to paperback swap. I love it! I hope you are having a good time on swap bot - surprises ARE fun!

I also like the scary movies and books, I am not able to read as much as I used to either, but I'm still a fan of collecting too! :) I had hoped one day to have a grand huge house with a room just as a library. So my children could always find some reading stimulation and I could find solitude in a good book. That's still a dream, and someday...

I think that finding your "calling" and just the right major for you at only 19 is a hard task. I am 32 and still wonder ... there are just SO many fun things to do in the world, how does a person pick only one!? Right? Hang in there, the right thing will come along. And you'll know it, just follow your heart, and your dreams and don't let anyone tell you that you "can't" because they are wrong. You can. You can have it all, you can be exactly the person that you want to be! :)

biterbuck on Aug 11, 2010:

Hey, Apollo. I'm one of your partners for the profile-comment swap. Just some things that jumped out at me when I read your profile:

College major-- I hear you on that. I just changed my major because I realized I hated my old one. Probably won't be the last time I change it. Good luck finding out what you'd like to study.

Viola-- The first thing that always comes to my mind when I think about the viola is how my middle school orchestra had only one viola player. And we had about a million of every other instrument. Whenever someone tells me that they play the viola nowadays, I can't help but think of them as a really unique person who plays an exotic instrument.

Horses-- I've never ridden a horse, but I used to read this series called The Saddle Club. I know way more about horses than somebody who has no interest in riding one ever should.

Video games-- I love them too, though I've been slacking off on keeping track of what new ones are coming out (mostly, I just watch for sequels to ones I like). What are some games you enjoy?

Paperbackswap-- Thanks. I've never heard of that site before, but it sounds pretty awesome and I'm signing up now.

One more thing-- I'm as new as you are, but... welcome to Swap-bot!


bettflow09 on Aug 9, 2010:

Hi Hannah,

I see you're a horse lover....me too!!! Well, I'm a total animal lover...anything with 4 legs and hair and even some 2 legged creature are alright in my book, lol. I currently have 3 horses, Dixie is a 14 yr old red roan Walkaloosa mare, Kokomo is a 13 yr old bay quarterhorse gelding and Daisy is a 12 yr old 1/2 TN Walker and 1/2 something else. Nope....can't figure out what her other breed is, but she has the smoothest fast trot of any horse I have ever ridden:))) Ofcourse, all 3 are my babies and totally spoiled rotten, lol.

Those kittens your dad found when he was mowing the field are very lucky little kitties to have you for a mom:))) You also mention that you have a chihuahua.....awwww, bet Tiny is a cutie-pie:))) Looks like we have alot in common when it comes to critters:)))

You're a member of Postcrossing??? I am a member, but haven't sent/received any postcards for several months. I went through a postcard addiction, but kind of got tired of collecting them and decided to take a break for awhile:)))

You take care now and hope you get to start riding horses again soon:))) I know you must miss riding and being around horses terribly!



StuntMum on Aug 9, 2010:

We have the Dark Tower series sitting on the shelf, as my husband reads them - so maybe nows as good a time as any to have a look.

zanylady on Aug 8, 2010:

Apollo...go to my flickr photos and you can see some of what I make in polymer clay. Goodness knows how long I have been dabbling with it....years, off and on. Just jump in and start playing. The Internet has a wealth of free info so go for it!

Welcome to Swap-Bot!

ladydy5 on Aug 1, 2010:

Very nice profile list. Thanks for joining in my Thriftstore Find. #7. Good luck on your choice for a career.

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