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Page 7 of Ciska76's Comments

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susieq11 on Oct 18, 2020:

Wishing you a very Happy Birthday!!! Enjoy your special day! XOXO

anicka22 on Oct 8, 2020:

Dankjewel voor de superfijne post: de leuke stickers, mooie kaarten en je gezellige brief. Post van jou is elke keer weer een kadootje!

susieq11 on Sep 23, 2020:

Your letter made me sooo happy today!!! Thank you!! : )

Gnoe on Sep 18, 2020:

En bedankt hè, nu moeten wij dus ook meteen aan de paddenstoelenkweek!!! LOL We vonden het altijd al aantrekkelijk maar door je brief zijn we om. Ben dól op oesterzwammen en shiitake!

Serieus hartstikke bedankt Ciska: wat een heerlijke post om te krijgen :-D We hebben voor het eerst boerenkool in de tuin staan en daar kunnen jouw wintergroenten mooi bij. Spannend! En to be continued...

(IFM WTA Aug'20)

Lonestarchild on Sep 11, 2020:

What a great envie for the CPG: Pick 2 - Global swap. I really like these envies -- they are a great size -- and the cards are wonderful. Loved the beaver! Thanks for a great tag!

pkpeace on Sep 8, 2020:


Thanks so much for finishing the dog ATC, I love his "thinking"! I really love how he came out! Plus loving the book page ATC starters that you sent to me... has my mind going already! Hope you are well! Hugs, Patty

Soph on Aug 27, 2020:

I'm highly enjoying all the lovely goodies you sent me for the IFM - WTA July. Thank you so much, also for your nice letter. It was a great pleasure to hear from you again.

pkpeace on Aug 24, 2020:

Thank you for the beautiful ATC, letter and gorgeous starters! You made my day! xoxo Patty

djcamp04 on Aug 20, 2020:

I opened an envelope from you today. It’s Jams! When I saw them I thought, Oh how pretty! That is the coolest background I’ve ever seen. Then I read your note.......😳 That is too funny! Different, but funny. I will send your note along when I send to second person. I’ll have to ponder upon these a couple days before I start on them. Got a couple busy days going on this weekend. Thanks for cool jams!

susieq11 on Aug 19, 2020:

Hi Ciska!!! Mail is heading your way!! Hav a nice day! xoxo

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