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Paige1900 on Aug 16, 2012:

See...I knew he was from your neck of the woods...I was thinking maybe you could get me a deal on one of his paintings....I mean being you are awesome and all.

Paige1900 on Aug 15, 2012:

Well not actually "to" Toronto, but closer. We are moving about 5-7 miles from where we live now. :P

Fatherted on Aug 15, 2012:

it was green on the right edge and in the left you put a cat stamp. and green tape :)

LonesomeDove2 on Aug 14, 2012:

Hi Pam, Thanks for your comment about my sister. Yes, I am a religious person. I'm a Christian woman and pray a lot. I will have to edit my profile an add that I'm a Christian so others will know.

Thanks, Debbie

Paige1900 on Aug 14, 2012:

What is funny I don't ever read the comments left by others on their profiles. LOL. So I didn't notice anything about what TerryF mentioned. So YAY...it was a surprise!

Paige1900 on Aug 14, 2012:

YAY! What an awesome PC you made for me! Thank you so much, I love it! And I like being your Ga. Peach! ♥♥♥

creativememe123 on Aug 14, 2012:

Happy to have given you your 150th HEART. I would be honored to participate. Thank you for asking. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!

ktdragonfly on Aug 13, 2012:

My name is Kristen and I am a swapaholic.

MichelleWillow on Aug 13, 2012:

Congrats on


pearlswithplaid on Aug 13, 2012:

And thank you for your Markdown link in your love notes to self. Wow! There's a whole world out there I know nothing about! LOL Mary

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