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Trader1244 on Aug 17, 2016:

This is for the BL~ Butterfly profile deco ლ August

The type of Butterfly I chose is the Behren's Silverspot Butterfly

Officially known as Speyeria zerene behrensii, the Behren's silverspot butterfly is federally listed under the Endangered Species Act as endangered. It is found mainly in California and Nevada, It is a medium-sized butterfly with a Wing span of approximately 5.5 cm (2.2 inches).

Mrytles Silverspot Butterfly

Callippe Silver Spot Butterfly

Oregon Silverspot Butterfly

Ann AKA Trader1244

yvonne401 on Aug 16, 2016:

BL~ Butterfly profile deco ლ August

I hope you like the pics and gifs that I've chosen for you. The butterfly that I have chosen is the Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta). This is my first butterfly swap and this butterfly looked very interesting.

Family: Nymphalidae

Subfamily: Nymphalinae

Identification: Upperside is black with white spots near the apex; forewing with red median band, hindwing with red marginal band. The winter form is smaller and duller, summer form larger and brighter with an interrupted forewing band.

Wing Span: 1 3/4 - 3 inches (4.5 - 7.6 cm).

Life History: The Red Admiral has a very erratic, rapid flight. Males perch, on ridgetops if available, in the afternoon to wait for females, who lay eggs singly on the tops of host plant leaves. Young caterpillars eat and live within a shelter of folded leaves; older caterpillars make a nest of leaves tied together with silk. Adults hibernate.

Flight: Two broods from March-October in the north, winters from October-March in South Texas.

Caterpillar Hosts: Plants of the nettle family (Urticaceae) including stinging nettle (Urtica dioica), tall wild nettle (U. gracilis), wood nettle (Laportea canadensis), false nettle (Boehmeria cylindrica), pellitory (Parietoria pennsylvanica), mamaki (Pipturus albidus), and possibly hops (Humulus).

Adult Food: Red Admirals prefer sap flows on trees, fermenting fruit, and bird droppings; visiting flowers only when these are not available. Then they will nectar at common milkweed, red clover, aster, and alfalfa, among others.

Habitat: Moist woods, yards, parks, marshes, seeps, moist fields. During migrations, the Red Admiral is found in almost any habitat from tundra to subtropics.

Range: Guatemala north through Mexico and the United States to northern Canada; Hawaii, some Caribbean Islands, New Zealand, Europe, Northern Africa, Asia. Cannot survive coldest winters; most of North America must be recolonized each spring by southern migrants.



Krochet4Life on Aug 16, 2016:

BL- Butterfly Profile Deco -- August

I have chosen the Monarch Butterfly to share with you. I love all of the butterflies but this one captures my earliest memories as a child.

Monarch butterflies are known for the incredible mass migration that brings millions of them to California and Mexico each winter. North American monarchs are the only butterflies that make such a massive journey—up to 3,000 miles (4,828 kilometers). The insects must begin this journey each fall ahead of cold weather, which will kill them if they tarry too long.

and I just had to throw in a cute animation!!

hugs to you


Sugardragon on Aug 15, 2016:

BL~ Butterfly profile deco ლ August

By Sugardragon

:0) Happy swappin :0)

Speyeria zerene, the zerene fritillary, is a species of butterfly found in the western portions of the United States and Canada

MichelleGG2 on Aug 15, 2016:

BL~ Butterfly profile deco ლ August

Hope you like!! Enjoy! MichelleGG

An owl butterfly is a butterfly, in the genus Caligo, known for their huge eyespots, which resemble owls' eyes. They are found in the rainforests and secondary forests of Mexico, Central, and South America

SuZignomeMoM on Aug 15, 2016:

BL~ Butterfly profile deco ლ August

With all the beautiful butterflies everyone is sharing I thought I would find one a little less showy ..... or is it?

The Dead Leaf butterfly, Kallima inachus, is an incredible camouflage expert. Once in place, the butterfly closely resembles a dry leaf with dark veins and even a stalk.

The Dead Leaf butterfly can be found in India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Myanmar. While in Southeast Asia it occurs in southern China, Thailand, Laos, Taiwan and Vietnam.

With its wings open the Dead Leaf butterfly's colors rival that of any of the species.

There are other "Leaf" butterflies but I found this one fascinating because of the pronounced contrast in the top and bottom of its wings. I hope you do too.

(I love these swaps)

anrtist on Aug 15, 2016:

BL~ Butterfly profile deco ლ August
I hope you are enjoying these swaps as much as I am! THANK YOU for joining in! ;-) I am going to focus on the Arhopala Hercules Butterfly...because it is my favorite color! ;-)

It is also known as the The Purple-glazed Oakblue (Arhopala agaba, sometimes placed in Amblypodia[1])
IT is a small butterfly found from India to Thailand, Langkawi, Indo China, Peninsular Malaya to the Philippines and Sumatra that belongs to the Lycaenids or Blues family.

It has a very beautiful Purple Shimmer

Enjoy your swap & Blessings, cc

paperfilia on Jul 24, 2016:

Hi! Here are your pix for BLG ~ Butterfly profile deco July. 3270.gif

I already did my state butterfly last month, the Monarch, state butterfly of Texas, so this time I'm featuring one of my summer favorites, the pipevine swallowtail.

The Pipevine Swallowtail (Battus philenor) of North America and Central America is black with iridescent blue hind wings. They are found in many different habitats, but most commonly in forests. The black or red caterpillars feed on pipevine (Aristolochia) species, making them poisonous as both larvae and adults, while the adults feed on the nectar of a variety of flowers.

Pipevine Swallowtail with Wings Closed 300px-Pipevine_Swallowtail_(pipevine-swallowtail.jpg/

Pipevine Swallowtail with Wings Open pipevine_swallowtail-400-300.jpg/

Pair of Pipevine Swallowtails 436e05151af64395f9a4e615be14d84d.jpg

Trader1244 on Jul 23, 2016:

This is for the BLG ~ Butterfly profile deco ლ July

The butter fly I am choosing to show is the Riodinidae or metalmarks Butterfly. It is a small group of species that populate mainly areas along southern North America, especially the Southwest, but are seen throughout the USA.

Swamp Metalmark Butterfly This is a very rare butterfly in Wisconsin and throughout its range. It is listed as endangered, threatened, or of special concern in Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Michigan. In Wisconsin, this butterfly is listed as endangered.

Langes’ Metalmark Butterfly This species is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range. Larvae are known to feed only on buckwheat. The adults may use buckwheat, butterweed and snakeweed

Nais Metalmark These butterflies are mostly checkered with dark brown and orange-brown

Blue Metalmark Butterfly This genus comprises of 4 known species. They are among the largest of the Riodinids.

Ann AKA Trader1244)

anrtist on Jul 22, 2016:

BLG ~ Butterfly profile deco ლ July
THANKS to all of you for featuring your local butterfly so far!!!! So you HAVE inspired me to feature the Butterfly of my state, Mississippi !!! ;-)
They are primarily black and have spoon-shaped tails, with differences between the two sexes. Males are mostly noted for their bright green hind-wings, while females tend to be an iridescent blue. Both may have ivory or orange spots. Their primary habitat tends to be deciduous forests or woody swamps with lots of shade.

I hope you enjoy this swap & thank you for joining!
Blessings, cc

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