Swap-bot Time: July 1, 2024 3:57 am

Page 4 of Sunshine9905's Comments

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Sunshine9905 on Mar 20, 2009:

Cause I can, that's why!

Rie60 on Mar 18, 2009:

You have yourself a supercrapafragalistic day! Rie (crapmeister)

CrayonMom on Jan 24, 2009:

Happy Birthday
Happy Early Birthday!

stampingranny on Dec 3, 2008:

I guess you haven't received the first card I mailed on 11-17 so I mailed another 11-29. The first was handmade but I didn't identify it was for the Int'l Xmas card swap. I sure hope you get the 2nd one. This is my first swap and I'm so bummed that 4 people have not rated me yet:-( Janitha B (stampingranny)

debbiesw on Nov 5, 2008:

Thank you so much, what a darling Angel you are. I received a super angeled package for the tart swop i was flaked on. All the tarts are just scrummy and the coaster is delightful. I wish angels could be awarded with a special badge in honour of their angeling packages. Thank you again so much hugs


LynnA on Oct 29, 2008:

Congrats on the baby, just wanted to say hello too!

Fittzwm on Oct 24, 2008:

You so hit the nail on the head as to why most people have gotten into Swap-bot. Expand our horizons, find new friends, have fun. Remember the fun of international penpals? Highlight of my grade school years!

Congrats with your new baby & get all the sleep you can now...

dangducks on Oct 24, 2008:

Your post in response to my complaint on the 'I want to complain' thread was awesome. I love it when someone comes along on the threads like that, lays it all out and shuts it down! Especially when it's as concise and articulate as you put it. Nice work. Thanks!!

(ps. this is NOT internet sarcasm! I mean it!)

thatzghetto on Sep 2, 2008:

Thank you for the wonderful box of goodness for YGM! I just love everything. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

stacirose on Jun 24, 2008:

Please join my new swap!

Flaked on? Need an Angel - Be angel!


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