Drug addicts and pushers are gonna be the death of us crafters! LOL! I occasionally batch cp soap and color me harumphed when grocery stores took those 18oz cans of lye off their shelves. I do not soap enough to warrant a hazmat fee and paperwork that goes with the 50 lb bags of lye. So I hear your Dagnabbit and raise you a CRIMINELLI!
p.s. heading over to CVS to buy a case of Epsom salt...just incase...
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You make me smile. I needed that~
Thank you for the flower. I definitely needed it!!! xoxo
Thank you for the pretty flower:)
Oops - sorry about that! lol
Happy to help out dear. (";)
Thanks for the nice welcome! I look forward to getting to know the Nuts for Sewing group =)
Drug addicts and pushers are gonna be the death of us crafters! LOL! I occasionally batch cp soap and color me harumphed when grocery stores took those 18oz cans of lye off their shelves. I do not soap enough to warrant a hazmat fee and paperwork that goes with the 50 lb bags of lye. So I hear your Dagnabbit and raise you a CRIMINELLI! Kaye p.s. heading over to CVS to buy a case of Epsom salt...just incase...
Just coming back myself- happy to see some familar friends.
Thanks for being a member of the Crafting Queens~