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Page 2 of nightrainboww's Comments

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anrtist on Sep 14, 2013:

I see you have a birthday coming up! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Hope its a great one;-) Blessings, cc

swap4fun on Sep 5, 2013:

Decorate my profile with... #83 ~ Bambi


anrtist on Sep 1, 2013:

LLL Group Greetings!

Blessings, cc

Darkestlina on Aug 26, 2013:

Decorate my profile with... #82 ~ Balloons

Ankica on Aug 25, 2013:

Hello girl,

how are you? :) I love how you decorated each segment of your profile with old letter. Totally cool!

I am Ankica, your swap partner for: Decorate my profile with... #82 ~ Balloons.

I hope you will like my selection for me. I have tried to mix some of your likes (desserts, art...).


Oh, and I see you have birthday coming up soon. So I wish you all the best for your birthday. May your day be wonderful and full of joy!


nyanSan on Aug 22, 2013:

Hi there! I hope you and your baby guys are doing fine :3. Thank you for being an awesome person and all and I wish you a nice weekend! Angeling for For You My Friend #6~ probably part of an angel operation I'm going to re-launch.

libertylithium on Aug 21, 2013:

Loved reading your profile! I bet your corgi and sons are so cute!!! :) Your newborn is probably adorable!!I bet you're a happy mommy! :) It was nice to see someone closer to my age on swap-bot :) (I'm 18) Happy swapping!! Many blessings to you!! Have a great day!! -Liberty Comment on your Partner's profile swap

bsteph2001 on Aug 21, 2013:

Comment on your partner's profile- bsteph2001

Heidi, first let me say Congratulations on your new edition to your family. How special that was to read. By reading your profile, I can see that you are a very organized woman, who knows what she likes and does not like. I can appreciate your lists, making it very clear what you expect, like, and do not care for. I also am going to work on my own lists after seeing yours to help others read my profile a little easier. I enjoyed reading your profile and may you continue to enjoy and have fun with swapping! Brenda

carebear100888 on Aug 21, 2013:

Hello Heidi!

Congrats on the birth of your son! I hope you get plenty of time to recover and bond with him before returning to your job! I also love collecting postcards...however I do love the touristy ones :)

Carrie (Comment on your partner's profile)

susannah on Aug 21, 2013:
  • Comment on your Partner's Profile *

Ja taas me kohdataan! :) Onnea uudesta tulokkaasta! Olisi mukava kuulla miten synntys meni ja miten on tuo vauva-arki lähtenyt sujumaan :) Teilläkin aika pieni on tuo poikien ikäväli joten varmasti on yhtä paljon haastetta kun meillä näissä kaksospojissa! :) Alkaa tosin tuntumaan että se vauva-aika vasta helppoa olikin! Meillä pojat aloittivat pari viikkoa sitten perhepäivähoidon ja yllättävän kivuttomasti ollaan aloitettu. Samaan syssyyn lykkäytyi kuitenkin lastensänkyyn siirto(haikeeta oli heittää pinnasängyt pois) ja poskihampaiden puhkeaminen,mitkä toivat hiukan lisää haastetta tähän arkeen :D Kaikkea hyvää teille <3

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