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stitchinwitch on Sep 12, 2007:

Can't join in on your ATC swap as too much on at the moment but I juts wanted to say the picture for it has totally inspired me

Wickett6029 on Sep 5, 2007:

...let me know if you're ever wanting to do any private swapping!! I wish you wouldn't leave :-( (just be picky like me, lol!)

Lex on Sep 4, 2007:

Caelum, I don't know you and have never swapped with you, but I have to say it sucks that you've been so ill-treated by crappy swappers. People like that, well, they'll have something coming when they see how awful they are. I know there are good swappers out there, and I'm hoping what goes around will come around and give you something that will make your day, week, month, whatever. :)

Also wanted to say that, as a newbie, someone linked me to your profile and it helped me so much when it came to fleshing out mine. I'm still feeling out my way here, but I know that I never want to flake on someone like what's happened to you. I'd be lucky to get you for a swap partner!

Wickett6029 on Aug 29, 2007:

...."my two copper"....HAHAHAHAsnort....... a priceless WoW moment!!! I'd have fell off my chair laughing! Remind me to tell you the retort that got my son's best buddy banned for 72 hours (he said it was well worth it, LOL!)

GemMedia on Aug 20, 2007:

Hi Caelum,

I read you were leaving in the forums and decided to check out your profile.... I can relate to alot of things you said but I'm not really able to convey what I feel in words so much as in pictures.

I'm sorry you got stuck with some bad partners because Swap-Bot is generally a great place.

Hopefully you will come back at some point or continue with one on one swaps because you sound like a great person to trade with.

BTW I also love Van Gogh and have the picture you mentioned....'The Abduction of Psyche on my wall'., take care!


blissfulmama on Aug 19, 2007:

happy to hear that karma has payed you a visit Brandi! hope you'll dip back into the beauty of swap-bot when you are ready. you really are a stellar swapper and from what I can tell, a wonderful person too!

user8908 on Aug 18, 2007:

You need to join my Tote swap, luvmuffin!!


user8885 on Aug 11, 2007:

If anyone's up for doing some ATC swapping, please send me a message. I'd like to have a few new challenges with neat themes to help refine my cardmaking skills (but i won't be hosting or joining any more swaps just yet)

earthnk on Aug 11, 2007:

Hi Caelum, I know EXACTLY where you are coming from. I too seem to get matched with partners who send me disappointments. I've decided though to keep on sending out the great packages to my send to partners and maybe things will turn around for me in the future. If not here maybe in other aspects of my life!

That being said, I love doing one on one trades and if you're into it... LET'S SWAP!!!

p.s. love your profile too!

poofsizzle on Aug 3, 2007:

caelum - you ran one of the first swaps I joined. You were one of the first to give me a heart. I will be sad to see you go I hope that you aren't gone forever :)

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