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broadway90 on Dec 6, 2010:

can esomeone with my angels address and my flaked swap please pm me ...on EITHER account

im truely sorry and i do intend to sort this out x

BarkleysMommy on Dec 5, 2010:

Thanking everyone for their "accussations" on your bogus/double profile? Really, @Broadway90 ?? These are NOT accusations, they are statements of fact. Shame on you for not making good on your original commitments. Creating a new profile is not fooling any experienced swappers :-(

Amigirl on Dec 5, 2010:

Merge your accounts, make up your flakes, then send something to your angel people. Then we'll probably let you start in some mail swaps. If you can be trusted to send letters, then you'll be allowed to do little swaps. You have to work your way out of this, Stacey, and email swaps aren't the way to do that. You still owe me for a letter tag, if you want to start that, you can.

PinkLotus on Dec 5, 2010:

i saw your note to ami, and I think the the right thing to do and the way to prove you want to do the right thing, is to DO the right thing and make good on all those swaps you flaked on first (instead of creating new profiles).. that would be a good first step.

vintageinwonderland on Dec 5, 2010:

i will be sending pout my swaps <3

thanks for everyone accussations though <3

vintageinwonderland on Dec 4, 2010:

awww my links not workiing -

will sort it out asap

though im thinking of ,oving from etsy to ebay <3

etsy isnt well known in the uk :(

mwquilt on Dec 4, 2010:

I just tried to follow the link to your webpage and it took me to your Etsy page which said you no longer had an active account. The Etsy link took me to the same page which had the same info. Not sure if its just that your link is broken or if you don't have an Etsy shop any more

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