Comment: No worries about the late send. I've had things pull me away unexpectedly in the past, so I understand completely! I think I'm going to have to check out Everything that Rises Must Converge. I like books that take awhile for me to decide how I felt about them. And short stories are great for that! Thanks so much for sharing!
Comment: The delay was no problem, but a summary of the content of the book or the short stories would have been great. Nevertheless, the book you recommend sounds great and Iรยดll check it out.
Comment: Thank you for the package! I loved all of it! Especially the picture of your dahlia! You have a great eye! The little pots were broke but i'm sure i can glue them. Thanks so much!!!
Response: oh no!!! i was worried they would break, i'm afraid i didn't pack them very well. i'm glad you enjoyed everything! thank you for the kind rating.