Comment: Cute post card, I'm excited for you! House hunting and planning a wedding. 2 great big events and a lot of fun business and so thrilling! Best of luck to you! รขยโรฏยธยรขยยฃรขยยครฏยธยรฐลธโยรฐลธโยรฐลธยโรฐลธยยก
Comment: Tks for sharing with me about yourself, glad to know you have a right person right now! Life isn't easy always, keep going on the path you feel comfortable! Tks Denise!
Comment: You sound like a sweetheart! Two of my partners were from outside the US so I see how that question about the presidents would have been unimportant to you. I personally would have loved to meet Queen Elizabeth but might not have enjoyed meeting her dad! LOL
Comment: Wat super leuk om mijn allereerste swap in het Nederlands te ontvangen!!! Tof je antwoorden te lezen op deze toch soms wel lastige vragen, was erg benieuwd naar hoe andere het ingvuld hadden. Bedankt :)