All ratings for Foxy
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Response: Things can get lost, don't worry. :-) Thanks for re-rating! <3
Response: Glad you liked them. :-)
Response: Hi Maxi, vielen Dank für die tolle Bewertung! Schön, dass ich dir eine Freude machen konnte und auch, dass ich Dinge finden konnte, die du noch nicht kanntest. <3 Hab auch einen tollen Tag und hoffentlich bis zum nächsten Mal! P.S. Ich hoffe du hast dir schon was schmecken lassen.
Response: I'm so glad that you liked my package and that i found things which you didn't know before. 😊
Response: I'm glad they arrived and that you like them. :-) Thank you for the rating and heart! <3
Response: I'm always super happy to swap with you! :-) Thanks for being my Partner too and the nice rating and heart. I just gathered all the packages from the advent calendar and i'm looking forward to wednesday when i can open the first one. :-)
Response: Thank you so much for being my Partner again and the lovely rating and heart. I'm looking forward to Easter! :-)
Response: I'm glad my package arrived. At the tracking i just see that it has left germany so i was surprised to see your rating. :-)
Hopefully you'll like everything i sent to you. :-) Enjoy and i hope you have a nice christmas time!
Response: I'm so glad you liked the package! It's super fun to swap with you too! Thank you for the lovely rating and heart! <3
Response: Thank you so much for the rating and the heart and i'm super glad that you liked the package. :-)
Response: That sounds wonderful! I have a small truck with tiny drawers but they really can just hold a chocolate, nothing more. :-)
Response: I'm glad you liked my list. Thanks for the rating and heart. :-)
Response: Hi Stachel, freut mich sehr, dass du ein paar neue Lieder gefunden hast. Darum sollte es ja auch gehen. :-) Ich habe extra auch ein paar nicht so populäre Songs ausgesucht, wobei das auch einfach meinem Musikgeschmack entspricht. :-) Danke für's Bewerten und für das Herz! <3
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. And no need to be sorry, it can happen. :-)
I will definately keep it in mind, it sounds great. I miss the markets a lot. The Tournament was canceled the second year now as well as other smaller markets. :-(
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart. :-) I hope you'll like them.
Take care!
Response: Thank you for the rating.
I loved how the feather turned out on the silver paper, so i was quite proud. :-D I'm always happy with the small things in life.
Take care!
Response: Vielen Dank für die Bewertung und das Herz. Ich fand die Mails meiner Partner bisher auch total spannend. Gerade, weil es auch oft so ganz unterschiedliche Antworten waren, als die, die ich gegeben habe. :-)
Response: I'm so glad, that the swap arrived and you liked it! Thank you for the heart and rating. :-)
I'll send you a Swap Bot Message regarding the stickers. :-)
Response: I'm glad you like the Postcards and i hope the Washis are good as well. :-)
Thank you for the rating and the heart. <3
Response: Schön, dass es angekommen ist, und dass es dir gefallen hat. :-) Danke für die Bewertung!
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart. :-)
I definately will enjoy the weather since it's not too hot yet. :-D
Enjoy it as well and take care!
Response: I'm so glad it did arrive now. And of course that you liked it. :-)
Thank you for being patient!
Have an awesome day.
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart! I'm glad that you liked it! :-) The weather here is finally getting warmer, hope spring is arriving at your place too!
Response: I'm glad to read that you liked the ugly card and it made you smile. :-) Even tho it would have been nicer if the smile wasn't needed.
Finally spring is trying to arrive here too, it was snowing just a few weeks ago. Easter was also very quiet but i had a lovely easter swap and that made it so much better. :-)
Take care and stay safe!
Response: I'm such a big fan of Dr. Seuss. His books are not that popular in Germany, and when i was a kid i never heard of him, but when i got older i discovered his books and i just love them. :-) Glad that you liked the Card. Thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: Hi Elisabeth, thank you for the rating and heart! It's not about how much you sent, don't worry. :-) I have sooooo much tea and i'm happy to share some. As it's not allowed to send items/goods with "normal" postage it was at least worth the postage that way. :-) I hope you enjoy the tea and i'm glad there are some you didn't try before. :-3
Response: I'm glad it arrived. :-) It was super thrilling with the custom declaration, had to make some phone calls to clear some things. :-D
I'm looking forward to Part 2 as well. :-)
Response: Yes, we have them in Germany. He was the Bird of the Year in 2009 here. :-)
Thank you for the rating and heart!
Response: Thank you for the rating! :-) It was super fun to search for facts, i never heard of Tigons and Ligers before. I'm glad you liked the card and stamps.
Response: I'm glad that you like them. :-) Thank you for the rating and heart!
Response: Thank you for the recommendation. :-) I didn't know them before but i like the songs i heard so far. Thank you for the rating.
Response: I'm really glad, that you liked the card. I always try to find a good variety of stamps so it's always nice to hear that someone enjoys them.
Thank you for the rating and heart!
Response: I'm glad, that you liked it. :-) Thank you for the rating and heart!
Response: I'm glad that you like the cars. :-)
And i'm happy to hear that you were able to go to the grocery store and buy some fresh food, i can imagine that it must be like a bit or paradise to have fresh groceries after eating canned food for a while.
Thanks for the rating and heart! Take care.
Response: I'm surprised that the cards reached you so fast. I thought it'll take longer. Glad, that you liked my Postcard and the cards from the Surprise PC Swap. :-) Thank you for the ratings and hearts!
Response: Great that it arrived. :-)
Thank you for the rating and heart and stay safe as well!
Response: I struggled a lot with the outlines also, i wish i would have some fineliners or gel pens or so, but then it's always a risk of coloring the backside too. :-) I'm glad that you liked the song. it's super cool to explore artists from other countries and i like their music style.
Thank you for rating and the heart! :-)
Response: Glad, that you liked the card. :-) We want to wait till the situation with Covid calms, because for now it's super complicated and hard to even make an appointment for meeting kitties, so it's better to wait. Thank you for the rating and heart!
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart.
Because of Covid it is pretty hard to search for cats, so we decided to wait until everything is more chill till we search for our new companions. :-)
Response: Thanks for the rating and heart. :-) I'm glad you liked it.
Response: That really took a crazy long time, but i'm glad that this one found it's way.
Thank you for your patience, the rating and heart!
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart. :-)
I guess you will find out on the first December. ;-) I don't want to give any spoilers.
Have a great day, hugs back! :-)
Response: Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. It was also a lot of fun to read your answers. :-)
Also thank you for the rating and heart.
Response: Thank you Andrea for the rating and the heart. I'm really glad you liked it. :-) Did you open the bag or will you wait till the 1st of December?
Response: I was just thinking about making some again myself as it is also chilly here. :-) It tastes soooo good when you serve them hot with a scoop of vanilla ice and vanilla is the best for that recipe. :-)
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart. :-) We did get snow in the meantime, but it's a bit disappointing as it always melts kinda fast and it doesn't have a good quality to built snow sculptures.
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart! I was reading the manga when i was in my teens and the first character i liked a lot was Shigure, but the manga and anime series has so many very awesome characters. :-)
Response: I always try to find something my partner might like, even if it's senders choice (except for the ugly postcards... ;-)) I'm glad you liked the card. Thank you for the rating and heart!
Response: I'm glad it arrived. :-) There are so many Problems with the mail right now so i'm always a little nervous about swaps. :-D
I'm happy, that you want to respond and i'm looking forward to read from you. :-)
Response: The best season was the first one to me, it was super thrilling and my bf and i binge watched all episodes. The second was also good but not that exciting as the first and the third was in comparison very lame. :-)
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart, i'm glad you liked it. :-)
Have an awesome day!
Response: I'm very happy that you like the Card. :-) Thank you for the rating and heart, have an awesome day!
Response: Thank you so much for the rating and heart! :-) The movie was really great, great story, great actors, and i loved the original tape recording from PL Travers in the end.
Happy new year and all the best for you too. Let's hope that 2021 will be better.
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart! :-) I liked the botanical card as well and i thought it would be nice for you so i am glad that you liked it.
Response: Thanks for the rating. It's sometimes not that easy to keep track with ratings. Some people are super chill and others tend to rate very soon or not communicate first. :-)
Response: Thank you for the rating! :-) That's the most interesting part of the Ugly PC Swaps to me because you really never know what will come and even if someone thinks something is not that nice, another one might like it. :-)
Take care and all the best for 2021.
Response: Thank you so much and of course! :-)
Response: Hi Monique,
i'm glad that you liked my envelope. i'm really not good with decorating them but i gave my best. :-) Hopefully you will enjoy the teas. :-)
Happy new year for you too! ❤️
Response: Don't worry, it can happen. :-)
I'm glad that you found movies that you didn't know so far.
Mein Blind Date mit dem Leben is a really good movie and it's so cool that it was after a real life story.
Response: Happy new year for you too! :-)
Thanks for the rating.
Response: I'm glad you liked it. :-) Happy new year!
Response: It's always fun to send postcards to you. :-) Thank you for the rating. Happy new year!
Response: Happy new Year Mina!
Response: Thank you so much! :-) Happy new year!
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart. Merry Christmas to you too!
Response: Glad you liked my list. :-) That's why i like those kinds of swaps, because there is always something new.
Response: I guess because there are way too many songs and artists :-D
Response: Great that you liked some of the actors/movies. :-) Mein Blind Date mit dem Leben is a really nice movie and the actor is super good. Hope you can find a copy. :-)
Response: I'm glad you like it. I also thought it was super cute. :-) I love dogs.
Response: Me too and the quotes were so perfect for this swap. Was a lot of fun to write the Cards.
Thanks for the rating and heart. Happy Holidays!
Response: I saw that we had those two songs in common. :-) I don't love 90's music but it brings back so many memories. These days i definately prefer other decades and other genres but this music still has a special place. It's kinda the soundtrack of my youth. :-) Thank you for the rating!
Response: Glad you liked it!
Happy holidays for you too.
Response: I'm so glad that you liked the card. I was a bit insecure if it might be a bit over the top. :-D
Snow came but it's already gone again. Therefore it was raining.
Belated happy birthday! :-) I hope you had an awesome day.
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart. Merry Christmas! :-)
Response: Thank you for the rating. I'm glad you liked the song. :-)
And thanks again for letting me know that i forgot the link!
Merry Christmas! <3
Response: Danke für die Bewertung. :-)
Ich hatte wirklich Schwierigkeiten eine Balance zu finden, da ich nicht wusste ob jemand die Filme gesehen hat, deswegen wollte ich nicht spoilern, und manche Szenen hätten mehr Hintergrundinfos gebraucht, damit man sie versteht. Ich hoffe manche Szenen konnten dein Interesse wecken und du schaust vielleicht mal den Film, das war zumindest mein Ziel. :-)
Ja, es gibt ein Remake mit Brian Cranston und Kevin Hart. Ich mag Brian Cranston, aber der Film war einfach nicht gut für meinen Geschmack...
Response: Thank you so much for the rating and heart. I'm glad that you liked my list.
I do get it with the remakes, it's just for the money, but the US version wasn't good. But well, that's the good thing, you can always stop watching a movie. :-D
Response: Thank you for the rating! :-)
Home alone is definately one of my favourite Christmas Movies since i was young.
Response: Freut mich, dass sie dir gefallen hat. Ich wünsche dir auch eine tolle und besinnliche Adventszeit! :-)
Response: So glad that you liked the box and that i found things you didn't know before. :-)
I hope you'll enjoy the sweets and treats.
Thanks for the rating and the heart. :-)
Response: Thank you so much for your rating. :-) It was a lot of fun for me to put the package together and i'm really glad, that you like it!
In germany almost every bakery has fresh lebkuchen, it's kinda like a competition for the bakers. :-D But those i sent you were completely new to me so i thought it would be fun to send them. Enjoy the package and if you want to do another swap sometime after christmas (the mail system here is a bit overwhelmed this year) just let me know. We also have some nice easter goodies in the bakeries. ;-)
Response: Hey. :-) Freut mich, dass dir meine Liste gefallen hat! Danke für deine Bewertung und das Herz. Pass auf dich auf. :-)
Response: Hi Andrea, i'm glad, that the package arrived. :-) I'll send you a private message.
I guess you mixed up the tins, as i got the nutcracker, so i think you have the train now? Take care! :-)
Response: I'm glad that you liked my list, and of course your hubby too. :-) Thank you for rating and for the heart. Take care and stay safe.
Response: I loved your Postcard too, i really like the classic disney movies. :-) Thank you for the heart, have a wonderful day.
Response: Glad, that you liked it. :-) Thanks for the heart. Have a lovely evening.
Response: Thank you so much for the heart :-) I'm glad that you liked my e-mail. It was a lot of fun to anwer the questions.
I'm looking forward to your message. :-) Have an awesome day too and stay safe and healthy.
Response: I'm glad that you liked the postcard :) Thank you so much for the heart, have a lovely day!
Response: I'm so glad you liked it. :) It was super fun to decorate and i tried to find as many halloween themed items as possible. :D You are the most welcome!
Response: Sehr gerne! :-)