Swap-bot Time: March 14, 2025 4:58 am

Hearts ratings for Monastelar

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Lonestarchild rated for WIYM: Blind Envie Swap #3 on Apr 16, 2018
Comment: Such a fun envie to open! thank you for all the wonderful bits and pieces!
Comment: Fran! El envío llegó :) lo recibió mi mamá! Al llegar de clases me maravillé con cada una de las cositas que me enviaste :) Me encantó, la historia alusiva al color verde y todos los accesorios :) ! Amé el calienta manos de perrito y el muji ♥ Me encanta hacer intercambio contigo :*
Comment: Thank you so much!!! It was so lovely to learn about your beautiful cats, and your dog :)
LegacyHardware rated for Easy Postcard Swap for All #1 on Mar 14, 2018
Comment: Hi Francisca, Your card really made our day! What a journey it has been on :) Despite it's long journey, your card has arrived in perfect condition. Thank you so much!
Comment: Hi Fran, thank you for the cute PC, and I love the calligraphy and the cat washi tape. The Chile postage stamp is very nice. peace love light.
Comment: Dear Francisca, You really made my day :) Thank you so much for all of these amazing goodies. I love your lovely stories about your cats and your dog. I also live with 4 cats and a dog in same home! That's so amazing. Have a nice day! Agnieszka
roosje rated for Valentine's Day Card with Mail Art on Feb 28, 2018
Comment: Wow, you went through so much trouble to send me a beautiful swap! I am so happy that it made it to me, it is such a lovely swap! Thank you so much! I love all the seasons, right now we are going through the coldest days of the year and I'm longing for Spring and some light!
Vanessita rated for Private Swap : Letter to a partner on Feb 13, 2018
Comment: Fran! estoy muy contenta porque me encantó tu carta, amé la postal de guepardo :D los y stickers, eres muy detallista. También me encantó el estuche de gatito y por supuesto los amados crayola. Un abrazo grande Muchas gracias :*
ema819 rated for JALTWCT- Christmas card Swap on Feb 13, 2018
Umdragon rated for Happy Mail de Verano on Feb 5, 2018
Comment: Hola linda!!!! muchas gracias por el swap veraniego. Me encantó la decoración del sobre y lejos lo más inteligente fue meterle el bloqueador!!! me encanta y nunca está de más, muy veraniego <3 Te mando un abrazo enorme y que celebres que cada día que pasa es un día menos que queda para el invierno...
ale80 rated for Rainbow Love #2 on Jan 29, 2018
Comment: Muchas gracias por tu bello swap, me gustó mucho la tarjeta y los regalos, gracias!
ainaignies rated for JALTWCT- Christmas card Swap on Jan 26, 2018
Comment: thank you for the handmade card, i like the part that you wrote "merry christmas" in another language.
Comment: Thank you so much for your card. I loved receiving it, even though it took forever to get here. Our postal system can be terribly slow at times (most of the times :), too. Hope you had a good Christmas and a Happy New Year!
ale80 rated for Kit de Verano #3 on Jan 18, 2018
Comment: Muuuuuchas gracias por tu hermoso swap veraniego. Tampoco soy muy fan del calor y tengo dolores de cabeza, así que te entiendo plenamente. Mi hora favorita de esta época es a partir de las 20 horas, cuando refresca. Tu swap me va a ayudar a pasar estos días, así que gracias de nuevo!!!
Comment: Received your pretty Christmas card today, thank you very much. 2017 was good to us, and 2018 we are getting ready to go back to Europe with a few of our kids. So excited to show them the country that my family is from - Netherlands- and the country that there dad is from - Scotland. 2018 is going to be great year. I have to comment, you’ve got amazeing writing. May 2018 be your best year yet.
kasa rated for NH: A Super DUPER Christmas Card Swap on Jan 8, 2018
Comment: Thank you for your Christmas card. Thanks for also letting me know that you had problems with the mail in Chile and that the card would be late. Happy New Year to you.
Comment: thank you!
milamilamura rated for Deseos de Año Nuevo #4 on Dec 28, 2017
Comment: Graciasssss, me encantó el sobre y la tarjeta. ¡Qué tengas un lindo Año Nuevo y cumplas tus metas de 2018!
Maquiki rated for Secret Santa Chileno #4 on Dec 22, 2017
Comment: Todo lindo! Perdón la demora en poner nota! Muchas gracias por el Swap! ❤️❤️❤️
Comment: Me encantó todo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Estoy en el cielo de la papelería... y ese envoltorio con mini flamencos y piñas camuflados... me mató :)
Comment: Your cats are very talented! I'm sure Santa Paws will be very impressed! But keep 'em away from fire! Lol! Merry Christmas!
Comment: Thanks for the beautiful bullets! They both great! I love the envies too with their sparkly borders! Please see my PM! Hugs from Alaska, Sherry
Response: i am glad that the arrive "safe". Now we wait untill you get the pc and i will be happy
milamilamura rated for Kit de Navidad #3 on Dec 8, 2017
Comment: Gracias Pancha por el kit de Navidad, está muy lindo todo y me encanta que podré darle un muy buen uso a todo. Los tecitos se ven maravillosos también. Love it!! Qué tengas una linda Navidad!
ale80 rated for Tarjetas de Navidad #4 on Dec 1, 2017
Comment: Muchas gracias Francisca por tu hermosa tarjeta navideña, me encantó y como fue la primera que recibí de la temporada, de inmediato ayudó a ponerme en modo Navidad, cariños!
Umdragon rated for Tarjetas de Navidad #4 on Nov 30, 2017
Comment: Hola querida!!!!!! muchas gracias por tu tarjeta, estaba impactada con lo lindo de tu letra, te juro que parecía impresa!!! muy talentosa, te quedó preciosa. Te mando un abrazo gigante y nuevamente mil gracias!
milamilamura rated for Tarjetas de Navidad #4 on Nov 26, 2017
Comment: Gracias por la tarjeta, te quedó súper linda, ¡qué tengas un rico mes de diciembre y una feliz Navidad!
Comment: Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful furry family with me! Didi looks a lot like my Sugar except Sugar's hair is not that long. Hugs, Diane
Maquiki rated for Calendario de Adviento #3 on Nov 15, 2017
Comment: Muchas gracias por el Swap! Estoy demasiado ansiosa que sea Diciembre para empezar a abrir los regalos! Me ha encantado! Ya voy en el dia 5 de mi Calendario y quisiera agradecer nuevamente tu generosidad, ya que cada dia me llevo una sorpresa muy linda!!! muchas gracias!
andysanhue rated for Elige 3 [Edición Navidad] #2 on Nov 15, 2017
Comment: Ayyy por que me mandas cosas tan lindaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas!!!!!!!
Response: Ídem!!!! Jajajajajajajjajajaja 😂😂😂 deberíamos hacer un swap privado de cosas feas que no quiero recibirn😂😂😂
FelinaSP rated for KKL: Cat postcard and teabag on Nov 15, 2017
Comment: Hola Fran, mil disculpas por dar este rating taaaan tarde, pero tu carta la recibió el guardia del barrio, y al parecer quedó escondida u olvidada entre las cosas de la caseta, y ayer me la entregaron... cuando voy viendo la fecha del timbre me di cuenta de lo que había pasado, sorry... y me encantó la postal de maderita y el tecito, muchas gracias y disculpas nuevamente, saludos a Huma, que suerte tuvo de cruzarse con Uds... cariños!
Response: Hola bella! tranquila no te preocupes!! lo principal es que te llegó!!! un abrazo
milamilamura rated for Una Linda Navidad #4 on Nov 14, 2017
Comment: Muchas gracias por este swap tan lindoooo!! Me encantó el adorno, le había echado el ojo pero no me lo había comprado, así que me encanta cuando pasa eso hehe. Y el envoltorio y la tarjeta estaban hermosos también, la ramita navideña igual, me viene regio para algunas de mis manualidades. ¡Gracias Pancha, estaba hermoso todo!
Airam rated for KKL: Favorite Kitty Photo with note on Nov 13, 2017
Airam rated for KKL Flat Envelope Surprise! on Nov 9, 2017
Comment: Me encantan tus gatos y tu "gata gigante" :). Gracias por todo!
Comment: Thanks for the Halloween envie filled with goodies! I hope I got everything you sent as the package was totally open on one side and partially on another side. The washi tape did not hold up too well to the long trip. 😕 I loved the ghost paper clip! So cute!
Comment: Thanks so much - I love that you sent it in a gift bag - what a great idea! Have a wonderful day. Happy Swapping!
squince rated for Cat-Themed Postcard on Oct 24, 2017
Comment: Love the card and how you decorated it! So bummed the first one got lost but thanks for resending!
Response: Yey! finally made it! glad you like it
ultrameganerd rated for Elige 3 [Edición Halloween] on Oct 23, 2017
Comment: Costó, pero salió jajaja, Gracias Francisca por el swap, me gustó mucho el clip, los dos en verdad, me encantó. Definitivamente los usaré, aun no preparo mis planner para la fecha pero me entregaste una buena motivación.
vlhafer54 rated for Black/White Postcard Swap on Oct 21, 2017
Comment: Thank you for the cute kitten PC. I have 4 cats and have also had dogs, but I've always wanted a hedgehog.
piikkilanka rated for Vegan food swap on Oct 19, 2017
Comment: Thank you so much for the cool kitty card you made for me! I love it! Hugs, Diane
MsBellaDonna rated for Black/White Postcard Swap on Oct 14, 2017
Comment: Thank you for the fun dog postcard, I love it :) It is so good to connect with other dog people!
Comment: Thank you for the nice postcards.
Froggy2974 rated for NH: Easy Postcard #19 on Oct 13, 2017
Comment: I love the wooden postcard! Thank you so much! Spring and Fall are my favorite seasons because I don't like very cold or very hot weather either.
Comment: Great reading, thanks for joining.
JediLibrarian rated for NH: Postcards x5 on Oct 11, 2017
Comment: Thank you for the lovely card!
VivaLaDiane rated for NH: Simple PC swap on Oct 8, 2017
Comment: I loved your PC and the sticker and stamp. I don't like warm weather at all. Autumn/Fall is my favorite season, then spring, then winter.. I dislike summer fiercely. Thanks again for an awesome swap!!
nytetears rated for NH: Postcards x5 on Oct 7, 2017
Comment: Thank you for the awesome Halloween postcard. I did not have a card from your country yet so it is a first!! Can't wait to add it to my postcard map
Toby2017 rated for NH: Postcards x5 on Oct 6, 2017
Comment: LOVED the Halloween postcard!! Thanks so much!!!
Comment: Gracias por todas las cositas lindas que me mandaste!! a mi gato le encantó el sobre jajaja ese papel con foil muy lindo y también los stickers como de estampillas. Me encantó el washi tape también!! sin duda un favorito, gracias por alegrarme la tarde <3 un abrazo!
animal87x rated for NH: Postcards x5 on Oct 5, 2017
Comment: Finally got your PC!! (sorry im inpatient!) I absolutely love it! Thank you! I love your note! Every year I want to get my babies costumes but I never do, I bought one for everyone last year but ended up returning them :( Thanks again! :)
Comment: I love the card you sent! Thank you so much!
MawBella rated for NH: Coloring Postcard on Oct 2, 2017
Comment: Thank you. Love it❣
Comment: So eine Überraschung Deutsch zu lesen, obwohl die Post aus Chile kommt! Und yay, eine weitere Blümchenkillerin :D Vielen Dank für deine wundervolle Post! Ich habe mich mehr als gefreut <3 und alles ist solo niedlich ^_^ Vielen lieben Dank! Ich habe mal von dem Katzentempel gehört, ich meine, der ist in München, oder? Wenn ich das nächste Mal dort bin, werde ich den auf jeden Fall ausfindig machen!
Response: Awww freue mich dass du die packet liebst. und bitte nicht zu danken <3 Der Katzentempel ist auch in Frankfurt, Hamburg und Muenchen :) Ich wuensche dir eine Schoen Tag!
ultrameganerd rated for Tea Lovers #3 on Sep 28, 2017
Comment: Muchas gracias por tu swap, me gustó el formato de la cajita y amé el sobre, lo trataré con cuidado y lo reutilizaré jjaja. Gracias.
Response: jajajajaj bakan pensé que se habia mojado, habia pasado por manos de un dementor y que correos no habia hecho nada... pero me alegro que te haya llegado bien!
eel rated for KKL: What I Like About You, Kitty ... on Sep 27, 2017
Comment: Hej Fran, My cats are rescue also. We have 5 now. Spooky, the last one we rescued off the street gave us a gift of 5 babies. One passed away, 3 were adopted out, and we have 1 with us still. I think he will be staying. He is a black tuxedo and we call him Boots. eel
sabbysteg rated for Halloween 2017 PC - International on Sep 25, 2017
Comment: Thank you for your card.
brianfuchs rated for Halloween 2017 PC - International on Sep 25, 2017
Comment: Great card, thank you. Halloween is such a huge deal here that I forget that it isn't in most places. I assume that is true of Chile. Thanks for the great card.
ale80 rated for Bienvenida Primavera #4 on Sep 20, 2017
Comment: Muchas gracias Francisca por tu lindo y primaveral swap, los stickers están hermosos y les daré buen uso, lo mismo a la libreta y los washi tapes, amé los colores que elegiste, gracias!
ainaignies rated for NH: Postcards x5 on Sep 11, 2017
Comment: Thank you
Jannified rated for NH: Happy mail flat swap - Int'l on Sep 9, 2017
Comment: Thank you for the goodies! Thank goodness my bag was big enough to fit the package when I collect it at the Post Office.. hehe! Have a lovely day (:
Comment: Thanks for this beautiful envie with the calendar pages and white bags. They will be fun to add to some projects! I was amazed that it cost over $4000 to send! What a high exchange rate! Hugs from Alaska, Sherry
Comment: Thank you, Fran! I love your card and the poem--so cute! Yes, cats are VERY dominant creatures . . . but I love them just the same. Thanks, too, for the cutest EVER little notepad! I absolutely adore the little drawings on the front.
Comment: I down right love the PC and I will for sure have to try a few of these drinks, well the ones without citrus in them. I love Snow White. I even like the remakes of it that have sequels. It is a great timeless classic that will be with all of us always.
snowgirl rated for I Can't Believe That's A Pen! Swap on Sep 1, 2017
Comment: Thank you so much, I love the carrotty pen xx
Comment: Hej Francisca, Thank you for the notecards and the cute wee post-its! ❤️ eel
judee0624 rated for Raining Cats and Dogs #13 on Aug 25, 2017
Comment: Such a cute dog! Thanks for the card.
Comment: Thank you for the nice postcard. We all are snail mail lovers in the end! We cool!
Response: cool i glad that you like it and receive it!! Definetely we are cool!! <3
young46356 rated for Raining Cats and Dogs #13 on Aug 23, 2017
Comment: Thankk you for the great card! Best wishes, Rich
milamilamura rated for ISS: Recipe Swap #1 on Aug 22, 2017
Comment: Gracias por el swap sweet Pancha <3 Me tincaron las recetas y todo lo demás está hermoso. Muchas gracias por los extras también y por todo el cariño que claramente le pusiste al swap. Loved it!
Comment: Hoolaa, me acaba de llegar el swap y me tiene super contenta tantas cosas lindas, en serio gracias ¡mi novio tiene el mismo estuche y estuve a punto de comprarlo! al menos ahora no puede decir que le copié jajaj y gracias por el mini "planner" y las libretas mira que soy una fanática de anotar tooodo. Y la postal va para mi colección :D
Comment: I loved your swap!! The paper and the writing and the stickers!! Very fun. Thanks so much!! ♥
ale80 rated for Kit para Crazy CatDog Lady on Aug 14, 2017
Comment: Muchas gracias Francisca por el swap, te pasaste! Como dijiste, mis gatos fueron muy felices con la pelota luminosa y también con el spinner, jajaja, fue chistoso verlos. Tu carta donde me cuentas la historia de cada una de tus mascotas me enterneció y encantó, es tan lindo adoptar!!!! Cariños y gracias de nuevo!
Comment: Cute pins! Thank-you. I also really like how you weaved ribbon through and around the edges of the envelope. Hope you are enjoying your "winter" while we are in our summer here.
Comment: Thank you!
Comment: Thank you for the lovely gifts :)
Paige1900 rated for NH: I don't like it on Aug 7, 2017
Comment: I absolutely love the card you sent me...I do know a lot of people that don't like the multi view cards for the same reason you don't...but I loved it! Thank you so much!
slckad rated for WIYM - Film Quote on a Postcard on Aug 7, 2017
Comment: Great quote!! Thank you for explaining why you chose it as well. Not a lot of people do that! It was nice to read!
MarieS rated for 12 Postcards in December 2016 on Aug 1, 2017
Comment: Thanks a lot for your card and for resending!
Response: Marie happily the PC arrived safely! Thanks to you for your patience!
Comment: Thanks for the cute envelope of happy items! I especially like the Fashion People bags and the darling animal wood clip!
Comment: Thanks very much for the gorgeous envelope you sent me and the fun things inside, too - I will send you pics by email of the outer envelope (still pretty, even though part of it got a little damaged in transit: I will guess what it was suppose to say and maybe you can tell me). A very happy July to you, Fran, hope it was GREAT!
lou rated for KKL Pick 3 on Jul 22, 2017
Comment: Thank you very much for all the wonderful and unique kitty things😻
photovivie rated for CL: June Reading log - Paper on Jul 19, 2017
Comment: Vielen lieben Dank!
Comment: This was a woooonderful swap, from the lovely handmade envie (awesome decoration!) to the beautiful tapes and bags.I absolutely love it, thank you!
Comment: Thanks for the happy mail :)
Comment: Hello Fran! Thank you for those cute little buttons you sent! I'm going to put them on my jeans purse ;+) Your envelope was simply beautiful! Such a pleasure to receive--thanks for making this so special for me!
Stargazer008 rated for Quote Postcard - Inspiration on Jul 15, 2017
Comment: Hello again. Thank you for the pretty piece of mail! Your quote is touching and encouraging - I gonna keep it in mind. And now have an splendid weekend. :)
marlak2008 rated for Animal pen on Jul 14, 2017
Comment: I absolutely love this pen! It arrived the day before I went into the hospital so I took it with me since playing with it made me so happy! I am going to use it often to write happy mail. Thank you so much!
Amanditis rated for Kit de Invierno #4 on Jul 13, 2017
Comment: Francisca, me encantó el swap <3 estaba todo muy lindo, ya me comí el chocolate jeje y me probé los calcetines, están perfectos para estas heladas que han caido, muchas gracias!!
Comment: Thank you for the pretty cards and your nice note. Mary
Smiley69 rated for KKL: Keep Calm & Love Our Cats on Jul 12, 2017
Comment: Thank you very much for the adorable note card...it was so fun to read about your cats and your cat-dog LOL. I will definitely visit their Instagram!! ☺
Comment: Gracias por este swap tan lindoooo! Me encantó el formato que elegiste para mostrar tu día y las sorpresitas que incluiste. También el sobre, súper lindo y creativo. Muuuuchas gracias por todo, amé el swap. Es #soñadoooo <3
wittmert rated for Black and White #15 on Jul 11, 2017
Comment: Thanks - I love bread!
changeling316 rated for Black and White #15 on Jul 10, 2017
Comment: Thanks for the awesome postcard 😋 I might have to look up a recipe sometime and try Amasado. Have a great week, Nathan
delonewolf rated for NH: Decorated Postcards on Jul 7, 2017
Comment: Thank you for the interesting decorated postcard!
Comment: Vielen lieben Dank für Deine Postkarte. Ich bin immer überrascht, wenn ich aus der weiten Ferne eine Postkarte bekomme - die auf Deutsch geschrieben ist. :) Hab ein schickes Wochenende
SnailerAH rated for NH: Decorated Postcards on Jun 30, 2017
Comment: Thanks for the lovely envelope of goodies!
fbresnah rated for NH: What Are You Into? (postcards) on Jun 14, 2017
Comment: Thanks for the lovely bird card!
Response: <3
isabellasnow rated for KKL: Pick 3 Kitties! on Jun 10, 2017
Comment: Hello Francisca! (I'm so sorry I misspelled your name in the past--I just noticed that ;+) Your kitties arrived today and they're just lovely! The pen is SO cute, as are the stickers, and the drawing of the lady and black cat is precious--is it a magnet? I really loved hearing about your furbabies--I really miss having a dog and your dog sounds wonderful. So sweet that all your kitties are 'adopted' . . . thank you for everything! (p.s. the bag you sent the swap in is beautiful!)
Response: Awwww dont worry at the end is just a name!! ;) I love that you like the swap and yes the drawing is a magnet... Have a wonderful day!
Comment: The envelope was so COOL, I almost didn't want to open it! But of course I did :D Thank you for telling me about Mr. D and Bellota. Mr. D looks a bit like my Loki! I think it's awesome you give those poor kitties (and dog) a home, you have a good heart! Thank you for this fun swap!
Response: Awwww i love the fact that you loved the envelope... i am not too much into crafty things hahahaha. thanks to you! <3
FelinaSP rated for KKL: flat cat themed surprise on Jun 2, 2017
Comment: Me encantaron las cositas gatunas, todo al juego, preciosas, muchas gracias. Y por supuesto que fui a conocer a tus hijitos peludos en instagram, son herrrrrrrrrrmosos, Ninja se ve "pasadita de peso", igual que mi Felipe Antonio, una guatona exquisita... todos hermosos... cariños a los bebés...
Response: Felina :) me alegro que te haya gustado... cuando vi tu perfil dije "esta es de las mias" jajajajajaja Ninja es una gata especial. ella adora estar sola y no pescar a nadie y comer todo lo que puede.... asi que si. Cariños a tus guaguas también!
Comment: ¡Me encantó tu swap! Y justo me faltaban washi tapes con esos tonos, así que les daré muy buen uso. Gracias por pensar en mí con todos estos detalles de gatitos y amé el empaque por fuera, me hiciste muy, muy feliz!
ale80 rated for Elige 3 #3 on May 31, 2017
Comment: Francisca! Muchas, muchas gracias por tu hermoso swap, fui feliz desde que vi el sobre, te pasaste! Y sí, somos del mismo equipo con respecto a los gatos. Muchas, muchas gracias por los detalles, las cosas bonitas, la cartita, amé todo.
Response: Ale me alegro mucho!! actualmente estamos presentando problemas con los motoboys por eso se demoró un poco, pero me alegro mucho!
JediLibrarian rated for NH: Easy Postcard #15 on May 31, 2017
Comment: I LOVE flamingos!! Thank you for the lovely PC. I like the decorations too. I hope things are going better for you. :)
Response: OH! flamingos are amazing and i love that you like the swap!!
aenk rated for KKL: show me your cat on May 30, 2017
Comment: Thank you very much for your swap. :) You have so cute pets! <3 I follow them now at instagram.
Response: Endlich hast du bekommen! Ich habe letzte Woche noch mal eine Brief geschikt... aber freue mich dass du etwas bekommen hast
milamilamura rated for Mail Tag #2 on May 25, 2017
Comment: Thank you so much for this wonderful swap! Loved the goodies and the tags you sent as a mini bullet journal, so creative and cute!! Thanks! I'll be soon replying :)
Response: Because you worth it Mila! <3
JessieB15 rated for KKL - 25 Kitty Stickers on May 23, 2017
Comment: Thank you so much for all of the adorable cat stickers. The note is lovely as well. Thank you for saving all of your cats and dog! <3 Americans abandon their animals, too, unfortunately. So sad. Thankfully there are good people out there who help them. My cats are both from the streets, too. I will look for them on Instagram :) Thank you again!
Response: Awww thanks for you to help cats as well! <3
pernie123 rated for WIYM: Three Handwritten Letters #3 on May 16, 2017
Comment: Interesting letter about earthquakes. I have not gone through an earthquake. My husband did once in Mexico City while having breakfast at the airport. Didn't last long. He said, looking out window, the earth seemed to rise.
Response: Earthquakes in Chile are so common that you are use to. Lucky you husband that didnt last long :) <3
BluGinhm rated for Vegetarian/Vegan Recipe Swap on Apr 27, 2017
Comment: Sorry for the late rate! I thought I'd rated you already! I love the recipes - thanks so much for sending them my way! And the envelope is lovely - where did you get the lacey washi tape? Thanks again!
Response: Hello! dont worry! I loved that you liked!! :)
Comment: Hola!! me acaba de llegar el swap!! (nunca pensé que entregaban tan tarde jajaja) me ha gustado toodo, muchas gracias por los detallitos :), mi oscuro secreto es que siempre había querido tener una de esas calculadoras pero la encontraba algo innecesaria, pero ahora que la tengo la haré indispensable en mi mochila jajaja ¡la amo! Y bueno, aunque las cosas no salieron a la primera salieron finalmente :D. Espero que estes suuuuuper bien y que volvamos a ser amigas swappers Besos.
Response: Hola Val :) en serio tan tarde? (tampoco sabía jajajaja). Qué rico que te haya gustado todo y sobre la calculadora, no estaba segura si te gustaría.... veo que sí y me alegro muchísimo. Muy innecesaria será, pero es tan linda que incluso se puede usar como un celular jajajajajaja Qué rico que te haya gustado! Un abrazo!
CajunLady rated for NH: Easy Postcard #14 on Apr 23, 2017
Comment: Thank you for the great pc!
Response: <3
Natalka rated for NH: Easy sticker swap March on Apr 21, 2017
Comment: Thank you for cute stickers! ♥ I really enjoy them ;)
Response: Finally.... see? Chilean post is crap but at least you received not on time but is there!
Comment: Thanks for the beautiful handmade postcard.
Response: <3
Comment: What a lovely envelope to find in my mailbox! And the kitty on the card is sweet, too. I look forward to looking at the kitties' Instagram page - they sound delightful! All three of mine have varied personalities (sometimes annoying, but almost always loveable). And my dog Ivy tolerates them (I think sometimes she wishes they'd just go in another room, but she's really good around them). Thanks for sending such a nice mailing!
Response: I really love that you liked!!! i love cats and thanks to my mother in law i got nice things with cats on it... :) Always is a pleasure to send you nice things!
Johkup rated for WIYM: Funny cat postcard on Apr 18, 2017
Comment: Thanks for this handmade cat card :) I love animals too. I have 2 cats and 3 gerbils.
Response: yey!! love it....i made with lot of loves
calmond rated for NH: What Are You Into? (postcards) on Apr 17, 2017
Comment: Hi Fran! Thank you so much for the large and cute handmade cat postcard--I love it! I completely agree--I'm into getting more sleep too because I don't get enough! Heh! I am also into trying new teas, working on eating healthy on a budget and planning trips as much as possible these days! ;)
Response: heheheh still i am not sleeping so much :( but important thing is that you liked!! <3
madebymimi rated for WIYM: Funny cat postcard on Apr 15, 2017
Comment: Super cute, I love it! So nice hearing about your adopted floofs too. Thank you x
Response: in Chile is a huge problem (not for animals just people who abandon animals as a rubbish) :) I love that you liked!
Comment: Finalmente llegó tu postal!! Me gustó mucho el washitape del decorado, voy a probar hacer la receta cuanto antes. Que tengas lindo día >.<
Response: Vero!! me alegro mucho que te haya gustado <3
Comment: I was so happy to see this PC from you Francisca! I LOVE llamas, always have since I was a little girl. I hope the llama's are all finding nice partners this spring hehe :)
Response: I know it you told me last time :) So i though "mmm more llamas?" hahahaha <3
marija rated for AN: 3 Touristy Animal Postcards on Apr 4, 2017
Comment: Gracias!
Response: De nada!
TC rated for NH: You Should Read This! PC swap on Mar 31, 2017
Comment: Francisca, your card arrived yesterday, and I like how you decorated the back. I'd not heard of that trilogy, but it sounds like one my husband would like. Thanks for the suggestion!
Response: awww i hope you can read as well is very very very good :) <3
Shayzilla rated for Bragging Rights on Mar 30, 2017
Comment: That's an awesome accomplishment dedicating your time and money to animals in need!! 💜
Response: awww thanks a lot!! :) Is very exiting when you find some home for those animals!!
Smiley69 rated for AN: Air + Land + Water Animals on Mar 29, 2017
Comment: Thank you for this beautiful swap! Love the postcards!! Also love the way you decorated your swap card and fabulous envelope! Great stamps too! ☺
Response: awwww i am really happy that you liked it!!!
Lonestarchild rated for AN My Favorite Animal on Mar 28, 2017
Comment: Beautiful card arrived today -- Thank you!. Yes, I'm a cat person too!
Response: Cats are the best, isnt?
Comment: Thank you for your note. Seems we are opposites when it comes to weather, I prefer the summer heat. :) Have a great day!
Response: hahahaha i think so we are opposites! Have a great day too!
Comment: Thanks so much for the lovely note. Have a wonderful day. Happy Swapping!
Response: Awww love you like it
milamilamura rated for Porque Yo Lo Valgo on Mar 20, 2017
Comment: Muchas gracias Pancha, el swap está hermoso. Amé el sobre y cómo lo decoraste y también amé el collar y los aros, son todo mi gusto! Se nota mucho el cariño, así que lo agradezco todo el rato porque te juro que yo lo valgo hahaha. Un beso, mil gracias por este swap tan lindo! <3
Response: Glamy me encanta que te haya gustado :) Es que no podía ser menos, y además tú lo vales!!! <3 Besis
sarahmaree rated for Zombie Apocalypse Notes on Mar 19, 2017
Comment: Thanks - to add the the effect the envelope had burst open in the mail and the post office had stuck their fluro yellow tape all over it. Super fun creepy swap :)
Response: YEY!!! <3 thanks to you
Comment: vielen lieben dank für die tolle karte
Response: Freue mich!
Comment: Lovely card! Love the embellishments!! ♥♥! Francisca, estamos en las mismas. No soy fan del frío, lo ADORO!!!! Muchas gracias por la tarjeta. Me encantó!! No te envidio el calor pero no si están sufriendo tanto como nosotros (32°C a las 8PM es demasiado)... Acá siempre es de locos pero las clases empezaron en Febrero, el tiempo solo se detiene dos semanas de diciembre y la Semana Santa!! Jaja.....
Response: Maria :) entonces en Chile parece ser que tienen verano al igual que en costa rica, verdad? me alegro mucho que te haya gstado!! la verdad es que a mi tampoco me gusta el calor. Un abrazo grande!
kittyhahahotbot rated for Monastelar & Kitty on Mar 13, 2017
Comment: Oh! Its all soooooooooooo pretty! How cool that you were able to send pics! I just love it! The envie is so pretty too! Imagine taking out glittery envie from the box on a sunny day. The whole thing goes into my treasure chest. Thank you! Thank You! x
Response: YEY! I love you liked!! Xo
Platform934 rated for About Your Pets PC Swap on Mar 12, 2017
Comment: Your pets are very beautiful animals! Thanks for the PC :)
Response: Awww thanks to you! <3
esmy77 rated for NH; 4,3,2,1 stationery kit swap on Mar 12, 2017
Comment: Thank you everything was lovely!bi specially loved the washi tapes
Response: YEY! Finally!! long journey but you received i love that you liked!
Comment: Thank you for the lovely letter about your cats! My cats are also rescued and I can't imagine my life without them. I appreciate your efforts toward helping lonely animals. ^_^ Thanks also for the cute goodies you tucked in.
Response: i am glad that you liked! I love my cats and dog so much.... like you do. Thanks for rescue them <3
Comment: Belated thank you, Francisca, for hosting a wonderful swap (one of my favorites in my year or so of being part of SB :) and for a thoughtful, adorable package of lovely kitty lady stationery and goodies! I especially loved the puffy black cat stickers that remind me of my dear baby Uling, the wrench-shaped ruler, and the hilarious open-mouthed cat greeting card ♥♥♥
Response: YAY! i really love that you liked! I hope you enjoy your holidays and use every single thing from this swap!! <3
thebragal rated for Zombie Apocalypse Notes on Mar 3, 2017
Comment: Lots of fun and well done. Thank you
Response: hahahah thanks you should use the wet towel there :)
Comment: Hey Francisca, I finally got it!! :D :D Thank you so very much!! I liked everything! And I think my favourite touch was the metallic tiny paperclip!! <3 Thank you! I hope we see each other in future swaps! But for now, have a wonderful weekend!
Response: Awww finally arrived! I am really happy that you liked it!!
Issis rated for Totebag Swap on Mar 2, 2017
Comment: Hola, me encantó el totebag y los stickers <3
Response: Me alegro!!! <3
32flavours rated for Interest me no. 44 on Feb 25, 2017
Comment: Thank you for the poem and translation - I had never heard of Pedro Lemebel before but I'm now reading a bit about him online. I can only find his novel translated to English, but I did enjoy this poem.
Response: This poem belongs to ''crónicas de un sidario'', is the only poem there. I love Pedro, he was such a good writer and also wear high heels everyday. I am glad that you liked!
tatntole rated for 12 Postcards in December 2016 on Feb 18, 2017
Comment: You forgot to name the swap your postcard was for. Finally figured it out today.
Comment: Thank you, thank you, thank you for the adorable, festive envelope of goodies -- I especially love the happy, tasseled llama and colorful houses of Valparaiso cards, the kitty and bird washi, dragon sticker, and your wonderfully kind and encouraging message (I love reading letters/postcards in the other languages I have studied for a bit to use another part of my brain :) I also hope that you accomplish all that your heart desires this year and always, Francisca! Best wishes to you and your family ♥
Response: Awww i am blushing! dont do i did the swap with love and my hands (very difficult for me, i am a mess) So i really loved that you liked it so much!!! Thanks to you and regards to you and also to your family!!!! <3
Comment: Thank you for another amazing recipe! - and also for the protein card - it's true that you can find protein in SO MANY sources that are not animal-based. I'm eating mostly vegan again for this month and I feel awesome :)
Response: awwww :) Keep trying eating vegan food. If you want you can follow the instagram @lascocinerasmetaleras (eng-spanish) ;) Keep on that girl!! <3
Comment: This sounds delicious! I am going to try to get the ingredients for this and make it!
Response: It is delicious! My husband cooked for me. ;)
Kvwanderlost rated for Animal Themed Postcard Swap #4 on Feb 1, 2017
Comment: I just received the BIG pc with the adorable chilling cat on it today!!! Thank you so much Francisca :D (Just followed you on IG) xoxoxo
Response: Hi!! :) i loved that you liked.... i followed you as well !! XOXO
EllieBeth8 rated for 12 Postcards in December 2016 on Jan 30, 2017
Comment: Thanks for the great postcard! Have a nice day! Shelley
Infamouscatlady rated for NH: Cat Lovers Postcard on Jan 30, 2017
Comment: Hooray! Your kitty PC arrived safely. Ninja looks like a sweet cat. Thank you for the card!
Response: yey!!! Ninja is a sweet cat, she lives in her own Ninja World :P Xoxo
Amyncognito rated for 12 Postcards in December 2016 on Jan 24, 2017
Comment: Thank you for the card!
Mamavan rated for Planner/Agenda Addict Swap #1 on Jan 24, 2017
Comment: Thank you
Response: ;)
Comment: Hi Fran...I see you posted this on Nov 16th. Wow, it just arrived LOL I love the look of your city AND I love old buildings! Sad to hear about the contamination though, what happened? Take care 😊❤
Response: HellO!! I TOLD YOU! hahaha our post is really slow, and its take 2 or 3 months to australians receive something from us... :( I do not know why but it is what it is!!! Santiago is very foggy (smog), but when is night or its rain is GEORGEOUS! I loved that you liked! <3 XOXOX
Comment: Hi Francisca, thank you for the lovely things you sent! I really liked the little dog on the front of the envelope...so cute ;) All the best to you!
Response: I loved that you like it! :)
wittmert rated for Postcard Roulette - Round 2!!! on Jan 22, 2017
Comment: Thanks!
Response: ;)
Babsmomof5 rated for 12 Postcards in December 2016 on Jan 21, 2017
Comment: Finally figured out which swap your PC was from! Thanks for the neat llama pc!
milamilamura rated for Rainbow Love on Jan 19, 2017
Comment: Love it! Thank you for the lovely rainbow items, can't wait to use them all :) I especially like the purple folder nail decals <3
Response: It was not easy because i want to do a beautiful package :) I am glad that i made!
ale80 rated for Kit de Verano #2 on Jan 16, 2017
Comment: Muchas gracias Francisca por tu hermoso swap veraniego. Me encantaron los brillos de labios y la crema de manos, me traje esas dos cosas al trabajo para empezar a usarlas ahora ya! La pinza-corazón está hermosa y tu carta me hizo asentir muchas veces porque me pasa lo mismo, no me gusta mucho el verano y necesito motivarme con cosas extra como este swap. Amo también ese panorama que nombraste, terraza y cerveza bien helada! Abrazos y hasta la próxima!!!!
Response: Ale me alegro mucho que te haya gustado!! me costó un poco elegir y decidirme bien, pero me alegro!! Salud por eso! <3
Comment: A hundred hearts for your cat creation! lol It is too adorable. It did arrive in 2 pieces. :( No biggie. I taped his little snow head back on. lol It is the best and I shall treasure it forEVER! I love the back too! Im really into decorating the back of postcards too. Thank you sooooo much! If youre interested doing a decorated one page letter about our pets Im interested. x
Response: Awwww thanks a lot :) i was affraid that ypu probably get it into thousand pieces.... but was good into 2 :P I really really love that you liked so much i tried to do my best because i am not good with ACL!! I really glad you loved so much. <3<3<3
SuMay rated for Dogs! on Jan 6, 2017
Comment: So sorry to be late on rating! I forgot that it was a two-partner swap, silly me! Your swap items were lovely: some personal, some quirky, some elegant and some fun. Thank you.
Response: Dear, dont worry just i was worried because we had a lot of problem with post office. I really love that you liked!!!! <3
kayfay rated for Send Me a Recipe! #VEGANIZED #4 on Dec 31, 2016
Comment: Thanks for the recipe! Sounds great!
Response: Thanks to you!
smadronia rated for Tell me about your kitty on Dec 29, 2016
Comment: Resend arrived! If your first one was as neat as your resend, I'm sorry I didn't get to see it. Ninji, Didi, and Toni all look like sweet kitties. I too, had a kitty once who thought she was a parrot :) Thanks for resending
Response: HI... i am glad that this time you received on time. I think the strike that we had in Chile help to lose your PC. ;) Thanks fr you and your patience
Purplmyst rated for Meow I want for Catmas on Dec 26, 2016
Comment: Very cute letter from your cats & dog!
StephKelly369 rated for Random (PC) - November on Dec 25, 2016
Comment: Petrogue looks beautiful. Thanks for the lovely card.❤❤❤
Response: is Amazing!! i loved that you like it! <3
uliaya rated for One person - one country - postcard on Dec 23, 2016
Comment: Thank you so much for your wonderful card! Happy holidays! :)
Response: i am glad!! :) Happy holidays for you too!
Lilpurplepig rated for Meow I want for Catmas on Dec 19, 2016
Comment: I just loved how you included all the furr babies including the dog. They all are way too adorable. Read hubby the email and he got a great kick out of it. He loved Didi the best because my hubby can relate to the only child syndrome. Way too cute.
Response: hehehe thanks a really liked that you and your hubby loved the letter. (They put an extra effort on that) Thanks and Didi is adorable if your hubby wants to see more pics of Didi, you can see their instagram @monitastelar
neca84 rated for Meow I want for Catmas on Dec 17, 2016
Comment: great fun
BluGinhm rated for Meow I want for Catmas on Dec 16, 2016
Comment: Didi, Ninja, and Toni - and yes, Bellota, too! I hope you all get your wishes from Santa Claw. But, Toni, I think you might find you would really be lonely with only Dad and none of the others! And Ninja, my Dodger is just like you - and he doesn't like it either! He was the tiniest little kitten, and now he's the biggest cat who ever lived over here. And he has to be on a diet. I think your parents are just looking out for you. But maybe a little treat for Christmas! Merry Christmas, you lovable cats and dog!
Response: Dear BluGinhm our mother is writing this because we can´t :) but first thanks for taking the time and read everything what we want for Christmas!!! Second, (Toni says) she is happy living only with her father, she is a loneliness cat, hehehe. NInja is eating and Didi is resting as well and Bellota... well she is playing with her friend Rocket! Thanks for the heart!!!
Gobarb rated for Meow I want for Catmas on Dec 13, 2016
Comment: Your cats are beautiful (and somewhat needy 😉). 😻 It was nice to hear from the whole family. Merry Christmas to you and your clan. 🎄
Response: heheheh thanks for the heart!! and yeah the whole family is not complete without Bellota :P
HOLDENV84 rated for Shaped Postcard on Dec 13, 2016
Comment: U R THE BEST! A Will and Grace postcard. I am so framing it! Thank you so much for thinking about me and reading my profile. The postcards have arrived safely and have made my day!
Response: Jess :) It took time but arrive safely. I wish it could be more "care" but since this deal with post office... I love Will & Grace as well i watched many many times, but i love Karen.... I L O V E H E R!!! hahahaha I love that you like it!! <3
johannasunflower rated for Secret Santa Chileno #3 on Dec 12, 2016
Comment: Muy lindo el regalo y la tarjeta! Que pases felices fiestas 😀
Response: Yey! qué rico! finalmente llegó!
ksdoxie53 rated for Dogs! on Dec 10, 2016
Comment: Thanks for the nice package. I especially like the little dog magnetic bookmark :)
Response: i love that you liked :)
cafloarea rated for Share your pet-email swap on Dec 6, 2016
Comment: So cute! Thank you.
milamilamura rated for Tarjetas de Navidad #3 on Dec 6, 2016
Comment: Muchas gracias por la tarjeta, estaba HERMOSA, demasiado original y qué linda tu letra, la envidié un poco haha. El sobre muy bonito también, los extras los amé y el mensaje muy rico buena ondi, graciassss, me encantó <3
Response: Mila!! me alegro mucho que te haya llegado y que te haya gustado!! (intento ser lo más creativa posible). Me alegro que te haya gustado un abrazo grande!!
ale80 rated for Deseos de Año Nuevo #3 on Dec 6, 2016
Comment: Muchas gracias Francisca por tu carta, me hizo mucho reír la parte de las frases y me encantaron tus metas que irán surgiendo en el camino. Un abrazo y lo mejor en lo que queda de este año y para 2017!
Response: Ale, me alegro que te hayan hecho reír las frases, para comenzar este nuevo año con otras vibras. Un abrazo y te deseo lo mejor para este y el próximo año!! <3
ale80 rated for Tarjetas de Navidad #3 on Dec 3, 2016
Comment: Muchas gracias Francisca, recibí tu tarjeta navideña y me hiciste muy feliz, es un agrado que el conserje me pase sobres tan lindos como el tuyo, un abrazo!
Response: Hola Ale, me alegro mucho que te haya gustado, siempre es un agrado enviar cosas lindas para alguien que se lo merece! Abrazos!
OonaWingedWolf rated for Share your pet-email swap on Dec 2, 2016
Comment: You have such lovely cats! And the dog is adorable, thank you for the wonderful pictures. They are obviously very loved.
Response: awwww thanks!! <3
craftseverything rated for newbie welcome October on Dec 2, 2016
Comment: I love the sticky flags you sent. I will love using them in my planner :). I was not able to see if I also like chilean chocolate, because there was no chocolate in the the envelope. It looks like someone at the post office wanted to help themselves to the piece of chocolate, lol. Oh well, maybe next time :)
Response: I am glad that you received!! bad things is someone take it , probably he/she needs sugar in her/his life hehehe <3
Comment: Hello Francisca for your amazing card!! Loved the story behind it. I will read more about this tribe. Thank you so much!!!! Ohhh and the stamp is loving!! ** Francisca, que belleza de tarjeta, gracias!! Triste es la marca que deja el progreso definitivamente... !!!
Response: Ay! qué rico que te haya gustado, su tribu fue exquisita culturalmente hablando, pero el "progreso" hizo que desaparecieran. Tal como te lo contaba en la postal incluso los Kaweshkar ya están extintos. Una pena. Gracias por el corazón!!! <3
SoftRevolution rated for Share your pet-email swap on Nov 30, 2016
Comment: Thank you for the lovely slideshow of your pets! :)
Response: Aww i am glad that you liked! :)
JingleKeys rated for Random Postcard #7 on Nov 29, 2016
Comment: It took a bit longer but I just got this card. It's great! Thanks :D Danke! ♥
Response: i am glad!! und nicht zu danken!! <3
keyasa rated for One person - one country - postcard on Nov 29, 2016
Comment: thank you very much <3
Response: <3 welcome!
Comment: Loved the Antartica PC with the little 🐱 sticker❤️ Thank you!
Response: awww i am glad that you loved!! <3 mawh!
Jade43 rated for newbie welcome October on Nov 27, 2016
Comment: Thank you very much for both of my parcels! The postcards were interesting and your cats (and dog) are absolutely adorable!
Response: i am glad i was soooooo worried! With this huge strike many many cards were missing. :) My cats and dog say THANKS!!! <3
Postcard rated for One person - one country - postcard on Nov 27, 2016
Comment: Vielen lieben Dank für diese tolle Postkarte! Aus Chile hatte ich noch keine - das ist meine erste und hoffentlich nicht die letzte Karte ;-)
Response: nicht zu danken!! :) freue mich dass diese Postkarte deine erste aus Chile ist. Chile ist eine Wunderschoenes Land wie Deutschland! :)
davesgirl rated for Send Me a Recipe! [pie] on Nov 20, 2016
pcmiminini rated for Tell me about your puppy dog on Nov 19, 2016
Comment: Thanks for the card! Bellota looks very cute. She even has an Instagram! You are right, the story of how you got her is very interesting. My dog hates cats... Bellota must be a very easygoing dog. Thank you for the swap!
Response: I am glad that you like it. Bellota is a very easygoing dog. She loves cats, dogs and people. Thanks for the heart!! (Finally i am glad that you received it, since we have this strike!!!)
swapwithgrace rated for Tea Lovers #1 on Nov 17, 2016
Comment: Muchas gracias a mi swap partner, me encantó lo que recibí! Se notó la dedicación y el talento en la decoración, gracias!
Response: Gracias a tí, porque fue hecho con cariño, y de talento nada, sólo ganas de hacer un lindo regalo!
carolaila rated for Una Linda Navidad #3 on Nov 16, 2016
Comment: Muchas gracias Francisca!!!! El adorno está precioso, me encantó, y tu cartita también. Agradezco mucho tu interés porque yo recibiera el paquete pronto a pesar de los inconvenientes. Voy a seguir a tus peludos por instagram!!
Response: Hola Carola: me alegro mucho que te haya gustado, estaba tan nerviosa sabiendo que el correo está tan intermitente, que preferí mandarlo de la forma mas rapida. Un abrazo
ladyaduial rated for Postcards for Dog Lovers on Oct 26, 2016
Comment: Love the card. I love the nose too!
Response: Awww i am glad that you like the postcard and her nose. Isn´t she beautiful? :) Thanks for the heart!
JingleKeys rated for MY PET email photo swap on Oct 14, 2016
Comment: Thanks for sharing Bellota, she's so cute!! I enjoyed the pictures :)
Response: Awwwwwwwwww i like that you like her :) She is adorable!! Thanks for the heart!
athousandyears rated for MY PET email photo swap on Oct 13, 2016
Comment: Thank you so much Francisca for sharing your beautiful story with us. It has been a pleasure to read it and your puppies are awesome. I'm sure you could be happy in Germany too! Wish you all the best! Your swapbot Italian friends x
Response: I am glad that you love the story of my dog!! I am really happy that you enjoy it!!! Wish you all the best too and of course THANKS FOR THE HEART!! xoxo Fran :)

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
4.9322 191 1 3
Completed Fives Threes Ones
175 229 6 1
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
3 113 59 0

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