AKA, The swap formerly known as The Dare Journal, but due to SoS members having diction issues with the word "dare", has now been renamed to better reflect what it is trying to accomplish (which is bettering ourselves and sharing the experience so that we might also inspire others) and with this new name will hopefully entice others to join. Oh, and it is still a journal swap.
For this swap:
- you will undertake at least twenty challenges of your choice, four of which must be harder or more involved according to your perception. It would be helpful if you noted what level of difficulty each challenge is for you.
- you will write as much about each experience as you can. This may mean that you will only write a paragraph, or it may mean that you will write three pages. You can definitely supplement your entries with artwork if that is how you can best convey how your challenge went!
- you will include something extra with each entry (such as a brochure, a ticket stub, a picture, a recipe, etc.) in order to help draw your partner in to your experience. A few of these items must be "larger" things that you must purchase or make.
- you will spend a minimum of $15 and a maximum of $20 (not including the price of the journal or shipping).
Please remember that this swap is very fluid:
- your partner will be choosing their own challenges because everyone is different and set challenges would not work for this swap. For example, getting a tattoo would be easy for me since I love body art, but I'm not so sure that I could attend a crafting class because I'm agoraphobic.
- your partner may choose what type of journal they wish to use. It can be store bought, handmade, unconventional, anything. This swap is all about having fun and doing new things... so if you get a box with the entries on recipe cards, then consider that to be a journal!
- there is no minimum page limit since artwork is allowed.
- when rating, keep in mind that these are the "minimum" requirements: 1) that your partner undertook twenty challenges and wrote a five sentence paragraph about each of them, 2) that at least four of the challenges were a little difficult / time consuming for your partner, 3) that your partner included some sort of artwork or extra with each entry, and 4) that a few of those "extras" were larger. In other words... we're all friends and established swappers, so we should be able to recognize when people make an effort and rate accordingly.
Please remember to send what you would love to receive! We want to know exactly what it's like for our partners to try something new or different for them, so make sure to go into as much detail as you can, include interesting extras, and try your hardest at your challenge. :-)