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Only 100 words

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Swap Coordinator:kangarueg (contact)
Swap categories: Email 
Number of people in swap:10
Type:Type 1: Electronic
Last day to signup/drop:August 20, 2009
Date items must be sent by:October 14, 2009
Number of swap partners:1

For this swap, we will create 10 stories that are 1000 words long, 100 words at a time. I am going to cut off the sign up at 10 partners. If 10 partners do not sign up by the cut off date, then we will play with whoever has signed up. If this is the case, we will obviously not have 10 stories, but we will keep sending the story around until we reach 1000 words. Make sense?

You will have only 5 days to write each section of 100 words and post them to your partner. You will write ONLY 100 words. Even if you are in the middle of sentence or a thought, stop at 100 words. (If you are REALLY OCD and cannot stop in the middle of a sentence, go back and monkey around with what you have written until you have something that makes you happy!) Use the word count to keep track.

Please do not sign up if you are not going to send within 5 days of receiving. You do not have to wait for the send date, you can send as soon as you complete your bit. We are not writing the Great American Novel, so don’t spend too much time trying to make your part perfect. Have fun with it. Don’t over think it. International, but please have a good command of the English language. Newbies welcome with well filled out profiles (after all, this is a writing swap)! Because this whole swap could be wreck by just one person, I am looking for people with a perfect 5. Because I know things happen, if you do not have a perfect 5, but want to play, PM me and we can talk! Feel free to ask questions, or make suggestions. (see the next two discussion sections below for the rest of the game rules.)

Dates! Last day to sign up: Aug 21 or whenever I reach 10 people. First 100 words: Aug 25 Second 100 words: Aug 30 Third 100 words: Sept 4 Fourth 100 words: Sept 9 Fifth 100 words: Sept 14 Sixth 100 words: Sept 19 Seventh 100 words: Sept 24 Eight 100 words: Sept 29 Ninth 100 words: Oct 4 Last 100 words: Oct 9

By Oct 14th, everyone will send their completed story to everyone else in the swap. That way, we can all read all the finished products. Basically, if your partner is consistent about sending on time, and sends their completed story to you by Oct 12, they should receive a 5. I will give a heart for good writing, consistent sending, for sheer enjoyment of reading a well writing piece…. I am usually pretty liberal with hearts, as they don’t cost me anything, and seem to bring a lot of joy to some people.

Here are the game rules: 1 If you receive something that has “mispelted” words, correct the spelling, unless it is used for effect or as part of a quote. (Just remember, there is an American way to spell words and a British/Australian way to spell.) Other than spelling, do not correct anything else (punctuation, grammar, paragraphs….) that is wrong or that you think is wrong. (Let those participles dangle!) 2 The first sentence of the first paragraph should not start out with a quote. Use that very first paragraph to give descriptions, determine genre, and introduce characters. (You may not get all of that in one paragraph, but do what you can!) 3 If a story has started out as obviously one genre, don’t use the next 100 words to change it to something completely different! Honour the original writers ideas, and keep with his/her concept. Even if it is a style or a genre you are not used to working with, let it be a learning experience for you! 4 The last 100 words should be about putting some type of conclusion to the story. If it can not be concluded in 100 words, at the very least, it should leave the reader wanting more. 5 Any genre is acceptable except pornography. (My game, my rules!) A love story is acceptable, but I don’t want to hear/write/read how “he did this to her” or “how her body responded to him”… you get the idea. 6 No cross over characters. Don’t add “Tom, a tall, muscular Swede” into each story you write. That is another swap for another time. Introduce new characters as needed, but don’t neglect the established characters, either. 7 When you add to the previous person’s story, identify your section. For example, I will write “(KangaRueg’s part starts here)” – and those 4 words will NOT count as part of my 100 words.

Since it will be just about impossible to keep track of all 10 stories, use the discussion section below to let everyone know when you have sent (and to whom) and when you have received (and from whom). That way, everyone one can kind of keep track of their story, and what is coming down the pike!


jillian 08/19/2009 #

I enjoy this type of writing activity. Would love to join but my pc is down. Perhaps next time. Enjoy everyone.

Jesshens1125 08/19/2009 #

I love this idea, I just started a swap that is kind of similar. Anyways, how dose this begin? I will write one 100 word part, and then send it on and wait for the next one to come to work on? I dont write 10 different 100 word story parts do i? I think I will definatly be in!

kangarueg 08/19/2009 #

jillian! borrow a pc for this swap! it's going to be a lot of fun!

jesshens - you have the right idea. you will right 100 words. send it to the next person, who will write 100 words who will send it to the next person and so on. you will receive 100 words from someone, and you add 100 words to their story, and send it on. basically, every time you get a story, add 100 words ... we will keep going until each story has 1000 words. the person who adds the last 100 words will then send it back to the person who started it. (if we get 10, it will work out correctly. it we have less than 10 people, then everyone will need to check to see who gets it!) are you in?

Jesshens1125 08/19/2009 #

Yes, I am in for sure!!! Sounds awesome I cant wait!

kangarueg 08/20/2009 #

ok - 10 are now signed up, but i need to check out one thing before assigning partners. if everything is good, partners will be signed up by the end of the day

Jesshens1125 08/20/2009 #

We are emailing these stories to one another right, not snail mail?

Jesshens1125 08/20/2009 #

I am ready! My 100 words are wirtten!! Lets do this!!!!!

kangarueg 08/21/2009 #

Yes Jess - these are EMAIL! (i really do hope no one will snail mail these things!)

OK - i have sent mine to hollycm6! (and they're off!)

Jesshens1125 08/21/2009 #

Yay!! Kanga this is awesome! I am stoked on this swap!! I just sent my first 100 off to godsrockangel! Cant wait to get mine!!!

Godsrockangel 08/21/2009 #

Hey @Jesshens1125 I received them :)

@Kangarueg Can I write my 100 and pass on now or do I need to wait?

Godsrockangel 08/21/2009 #

ok so I passed on anyway :)

kangarueg 08/21/2009 #

Godsrockangel - you did correct! send that baby on as soon as you have it written! .. so it seems that jesshens', godsrocks' and mine are now all waiting for their second 100 words!

i know several of you have yours all written - send them on!

kangarueg 08/21/2009 #

btw - jesshens - you may want to mark this swap as "sent"... even through it's not finished, you have sent your first 100 words.

hollycm6 08/22/2009 #

Ok I have sent my first hundred, and written my second. I will wait give Bill a few days though! Bill you will like this second one better, I think...although I had fun with the first. :-)

hollycm6 08/22/2009 #

Bill, I sent my second 100 words on. I know I said I wouldn't...but...I did.

milliondollarbill 08/23/2009 #

I have FINALLY written and sent my first 100. Now to attack Holly's first and second.

Karen 08/23/2009 #

Sent my 100 words to Kristin. Received Bill's 100 and am working on that now.

Karen 08/23/2009 #

Finished my 100 on Bill's and sent it on to Kristin!

Jesshens1125 08/23/2009 #

Just received Kristin's first 100!! I will be working on that and getting it out soon.

Jesshens1125 08/23/2009 #

I have sent my second 100 words (second story) from Kristenreha to Godsrockangel. I have having a blast with this swap!! I cant wait to write my next 100 words!!! Good job honey!!!

Jesshens1125 08/25/2009 #

I recieved Karens story today and wrote my 100 word part and sent it on to godsrockangel just now!!! yay!!

bridgetteciaj 08/26/2009 #

EEk... can I ask a question. I am always sending my 100 words to the same person? Right? This is a little daunting...but so fun!

bridgetteciaj 08/26/2009 #

2nd 100 words sent. This is getting more fun!

Jesshens1125 08/26/2009 #

Bridget you will always be sending the stories you recieve on to the same person. Just one partner in this swap. It's a little confusing at first but the more stories you do the more fun it becomes!! I am loving it!! Cant wait to get my next story to work on! :)

kangarueg 08/26/2009 #

wow - i received TWO stories today from bridgett! everyone - it looks like is working. GREAT! and i am glad to see that you are having fun so far. (this is the easy part! it will get tougher around the 7th or 8th trade, when you realise that we have to bring the story to a conclusion! and the 9th and 10th trades - - - wow, those are going to be the kickers!)

Jesshens1125 08/28/2009 #

I;m patiently waiting for my next story to write... lol I'm wanting one desperatly!

Godsrockangel 08/29/2009 #

Ok I passed on the 100 words from Kristenrhea and the 100 words from Karen (sorry don't know the username eep!)

I realised that I'd gained two in my inbox so i've passed them on together! sorry! (kristen comes first!)

Godsrockangel 08/29/2009 #

I am loving this swap - when we finish may I post everyones stories on my blog (http://www.rockangel.co.uk). i will also link to your profile or to a blog (or something similar if you would like) :)

kangarueg 08/30/2009 #

ok - i sent 2nd hundred words from bridgette to holly

kangarueg 08/30/2009 #

and godsrockangel - sure you can post the stories! just make sure you give credit where credit is due - - - list the contributors!

hollycm6 08/31/2009 #

Ha ha! You don't need to list ME :) I received Kangarueg's hundred, added mine, and sent it on to milliondollarbill, who has a rockin' username!! I want to change my name to Bill just so I can use that for something. Not a lot can be done with Holly... AlcoHolly has been the most creative suggestion but I rejected it!!! ;-)

Godsrockangel 08/31/2009 #

No that's totally cool I'll put contributors - no problem :)

bridgetteciaj 08/31/2009 #

just sent off my 3rd 100 words :) this is fun. more more more!

bridgetteciaj 08/31/2009 #

Are we supposed to sign our portion of each story? I haven't been.

Jesshens1125 08/31/2009 #

REcieved Bills 100 today... Holycow this is a toughy! lol I will get it sent out tonight! I am loving this swap!!

Jesshens1125 09/ 1/2009 #

I just finished Bill's and sent it off to Godsrockangle. This was my 4th story and they are getting harder! I am loving this tho!!!! MORE MORE MORE!!

kangarueg 09/ 2/2009 #

ok - i just sent off my third 100 words (started by godfather!) to holly.

yes, we are supposed to be putting our names on our parts of the story... but it's not a big deal if you don't (all anyone has to do it count off every hundred words!)

yes, they all get harder and harder as they go along! that's the fun bit!

everything that i have read so far is great! i have been thinking... would anyone here be interested in joining a new writer's group? i am thinking about starting one, and would love to have everyone here to be members.... there is a real kindred spirit in this swap you don't usually find in public swaps!

hollycm6 09/ 2/2009 #

Ok, I'm in, kangarueg. If I'm invited. :) And I signed your hundred words but accidentally put kangarueggy not kangarueg! :(

And...I just sent your third hundred off to milliondollarbill-with-the-rockin-username. Quick, send another!

kangarueg 09/ 7/2009 #

i just sent off my next 100 words to holly (this is raindrops story!)

hollycm6 09/ 8/2009 #

Raindrops.. I sent your story on to milliondollarbill last night. Sorry, I got it out as quickly as I could but we were dropping Sarah back off at Longwood yesterday so I didn't see it until last night. I like the way all of the stories are so different. :)

raindropsonwindows 09/ 8/2009 #

yay!! awesome.

dear sarah. i hope she's doing well...

Jesshens1125 09/ 9/2009 #

Kangarueg I would 100% be interested in joining a writing group!! I was actually thinking about asking you if you would be willing to host another one of these swaps. It's so awesome, and I have been having so much fun!!! I havent gotten a new story to work on in like 2 weeks tho... I sent my last 100 words, which were 400, and I havent gotten anything sense :( I want MORE! lol I am loving the stories!

kangarueg 09/ 9/2009 #

i know what you mean! i want my next hundred words NOW!!! it has turned out to be a lot more fun than i ever thought. (the last 100 words i got were a real trip!) it's fun to see the way the stories have started and how everyone else deals with them! as for the writers group, i have thought a lot about it, and am leaning very heavily to starting one as this swap gets closer to the end. i will let everyone here know all the details about it, as i think this group would be a great base for a writers group!

Jesshens1125 09/14/2009 #

I havent gotten anything in 3 weeks.... :(

kangarueg 09/14/2009 #

three weeks?! really? - ok, let me look and see what i can find out

Jesshens1125 09/17/2009 #

Wow. I guess my complaining got me somewhere! LOL I have 3 stories at this point! I am sending the frist one out now (Holly's) and will get the others out today! Thanks everyone!!! LOVE THIS SWAP!

Jesshens1125 09/17/2009 #

I just sent out 3 stories to godsrockangel. Some of these were very challenging! I cant beleive how different and fun each story is! I just realized that i only have 3 left :( I dont want this swap to end!

hollycm6 09/24/2009 #

Sent another hundred off to milliondollarbill just now. This one is going differently than I imagined when I read the first 100 of it. Kanga you had left out a word ("I") so I added it and deleted the last word.

Jesshens1125 09/28/2009 #

I just received, and mailed off another 100 words to godsrockangle. I dont know who's story this one was, it wasnt marked.

hollycm6 09/28/2009 #

I just sent one to milliondollarbill. Hey...how do we know if we are writing the final hundred?? If I am sending to Bill, then if I get Bill's (and know it's his) then I am completing it...correct?

Jesshens1125 10/ 6/2009 #

If my calculations are right, I have one more story heading my way... It's bee awhile since I have gotten anything... I cant wait to see how all the stories turned out! :)

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