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RudeNun on Aug 28, 2007:

A flower out of glass?? Oooooooo

I'm working on something tiny for yah. Okay, well not tiny, but "small". Definitely a work in progress.

Make sure you have LOTS of fun out there for the both of us.

HappyMommy on Aug 13, 2007:

Hey Sara, just got your "official thank you" card in the mail today! i went to the post office, expecting something from another swap (that wasn't there yet) and instead of leaving disappointed i left with a smile on my face :o) it feels good to feel appreciated,thank you for the thank you!! --amy

RudeNun on Aug 13, 2007:


RudeNun on Aug 11, 2007:

I like pina coladas, getting caught in the rain..

RudeNun on Aug 9, 2007:

Hm...being tipsy during the day is awesome if you're with a great crowd! The last time I went out drinkin' to a dive bar, we started drinking at 5. The bar is soooo dark that I couldn't tell when it was dark outside. We stumbled out of the place at 10pm. I just wanted to hit the hay and call it a night, instead they drove me to a drag show.

RudeNun on Aug 7, 2007:

I actually haven't seen any of the Spiderman films. Would you say the first is the best?

I just saw Hellboy a few months ago. I know, I'm not on the up and up in the film world. :( But me film-makin' cousin told me I had to see it. He said, "When do you see the anti-christ help humankind and prevail?"

My answer? "Good point." In the end, I dug it.

comapills on Aug 6, 2007:

hello there,

thanks for joining "Everything A Girl Will Love" swap.

love, marionette. :)

RudeNun on Jul 31, 2007:

Hmm..I call it a doodoo day, you can call it a piddle day. My first cat, Mojo(may he rest in peace *RudeNun makes the cross ;) He needs a shrine, that poor bastard) ANYWAYS! He would piddle in my backpack, on my clothes but never my bed. I think it's 'cause he slept there.. Hmm smart cat.

RudeNun on Jul 30, 2007:

I'm here to uppity about you parodying your disorder. ;P

How's this week looking so far? Mondays are doodoo days for me.

RudeNun on Jul 25, 2007:

Okay, so I went to this "eat smart, eat fresh" restaurant. I ordered the Greek salad and it had a potato in the middle of the plate underneath the lettuce. I'm all for extras, but I'm not a big fan of surprises in my food. Like when I eat a cupcake, you'd better tell me there's cream inside 'cause when I bite into it..

The thought makes me shudder..

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