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RudeNun on Jul 25, 2007:

But you've reached your goal!! More power to yah! I wish I had your self control :D

RudeNun on Jul 24, 2007:

That or it's the cheese you're feeding them. Sometimes the thought of cheese drives me bonkers.

RudeNun on Jul 23, 2007:

I bet the ultimate in "ultimate frisbee" is what drives your cats even more bonkers! ;P

RudeNun on Jul 20, 2007:

There's nothin' wrong with a little porno...err I mean pomo!

Does your dad have a site where he'll be selling the organic stuff?

RudeNun on Jul 20, 2007:

OMG!! What a REALLY pleasant surprise yesterday!!! I had my summer class final that mornin' then work(Ugh!!) and to come home to such a KICKA** postcard, I LOOOOVED it! Smoothed over my day!

RudeNun on Jul 12, 2007:

Sorry...I'm nosy ;)

RudeNun on Jul 12, 2007:

Been crafting it up lately?? What are you currently workin' on?

RudeNun on Jul 9, 2007:

Dang, I'd join the #@&%$ BAD WORDS ATC SWAP #$^&$#@. But I'm not very good at atcs :(

SummerLion on Jul 7, 2007:

Thanks for the heart! Yay! Someone who understood...

RudeNun on Jul 7, 2007:

Glad you dug your bottle fill :D I researched far and wide...well I guess you could call it snooped. I'm adding you onto my list of blogs to read, I hope it's okay..but you must update! ;) Here's hopin' we can become Swapbot friends :D

I searched for samples, but I'm afraid all I had were organic ones and I wasn't too sure you'd dig 'em.

We have a store near-by that sells big shirts for $2-3 a piece, but they weren't really crazy looking..if I find some next time I stop by, I'll send 'em your way.

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