Comment: When I was growing up in ND, we were pretty poor and had pancakes with syrup every meal and I grew to hate maple syrup and it was a long time that I could eat a pancake again and never did use maple syrup. Then when my
BIL went to Vermont, he brought back a quart of Amber syrup and OMG, it was to die for! You have no idea how tickled I was to see these as the Amber I had and from Vermont! WOW!!! It's the best thing that you could have ever sent! Now I will have to make some Belgium waffles:)
Response: I'm so glad that you like the syrup! Enjoy!
Comment: Thank you for the wolf postcard! I'm so sorry you need to own a snow blower! :) In Vegas...if it dares to's usually gone in 24 hours!
Comment: Happy New Year to you too! ;) Your postcard is absolutely gorgeous & something I will have pinned up for many moons. I'm also giving you a heart because whether intentional or not, you used my favourite colours & the owl's expression is awesome! xo
Comment: Jen,
Thanks so much for the cool postcard. I loved it. I have started a collection on the wall by my desk. We don't really get all that much snow here as the saying goes "too cold to snow". It just gets really cold.
Thanks again.
Comment: Jennifer, I love the ATCs! There are so many little touches on each of them. They are very special. Thank you for the card, too. It was my very first Christmas card this year!