Date Joined: November 25, 2009
Last Online: January 6, 2025 Birthday: January 5 Country: Canada My Website |
Open to private trades for zines.
I enjoy food themed postcards and collect food themed stamps. I like homemade and free ad postcards if they are food themed! I am collecting recipe postcards in the hopes of eventually making a meal out of all the recipes I recieve. Check out my postcrossing profile here: http://www.postcrossing.com/user/Sarah99
Update: Sent a make up swap for this in November 2014. Partner generously updated to rating to a 'three'.
My "one" is from May 2010. I made a mistake and signed up for something that didn't fit my personality - I was disappointed in the swap that I got and couldn't get motivated to finish and send it out. I've gotten better at choosing swaps that I will remain motivated about. Please don't hold it against me! I won't flake on any new swaps!
Rating: I don't rate hearts for extras. I rate hearts for swaps that are perfect matches for my interests/likes or swaps that make me say 'aww that's nice/cool/interesting'.
I need more security lined envelopes for mail art and for making my zines - if you send me security envelopes I'll 'heart' you!
Please be polite in the rating comments. If you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all. All my swaps meet the requirements so if you don't like how I presented it or think I should do x, y or z in a different way then simply keep it to yourself. I'm NOT offended at an empty comment - I'd much rather have that then a 'It met the requirements but I just wanted to bitch at you' comment.
Hosting: I don't angel any swaps that I host. I only host (and participate) in low cost swaps.
Hello friend! I started a matchbox group called matchbox & more and I was hoping since you like to make matchboxes that you'd be interested in joining? I'd love to have you as a member! :)
Stumbled upon these last night and thought of you :)
Oh...Just wait for the ATC I have in store for you.
i LOVE it! i just started some cross stich graffiti! and there's NOTHING better than vegan brunch!
Wow! My name is Sarah, and I live in Saskatchewan. How spooky is that?
Love that you have a zombie escapeplan, cuz so do I!