Hearts ratings for snusnuMV
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Response: Thank you. :) He wants to score 175+, which is like in the 99th percentile, so we're a little worried!
Response: I know! It kept going on and on and on.
Response: I wish I had the patience and will power to do that. One episode at a time is not enough!
Response: I've been to Chico many times. I have some family who used to live up there. And my grandmother attended college at Chico State back in the '40s. Hooray for 11th birthdays! :)
Response: I'm glad someone understands me. It's a weird phenomenon that passed me right by. :)
Response: Thank you. I actually feel less bad about my name that nobody can pronounce. :P And thank you for the heart!
Response: Popper is very "emotional." :) He throws up in the car from nerves and cries and hisses whenever he's at the vet. He was fine the first time, but was never the same, so to speak, after the neutering. The veterinarian thought he was far too neurotic to go through the procedure without being sedated and he was probably right! :)
Response: So does he! :) He grooms it meticulously.
Response: You're welcome. :) Yeah, I think his major puff-tail action might be because of some Maine Coon roots, but I don't want to tell Popper because he might get a big head about it!
Response: No way! Finally, someone who has heard of it! I have been redeemed! :)
Response: Thank you. :) The rainbows help me read it a little better. And thanks for the heart!
Response: Thank you! :) That's very kind.
Response: Thanks! I will tell Popper and his head will get even bigger than it is now. :)
Response: Thank you for the heart!
Response: :) Thanks! And thank you for the heart, too!