Fives ratings for meej
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Response: Sorry, the replacement is still coming. I should get it done this weekend, I'm in the middle of moving and super busy and disorganized.
Response: I'm so glad you like it! As I was packing it up I was thinking about how bad I would feel if you waited all that time and then didn't like it.
Response: I'm glad you like it. I sent it in such a hurry I forgot to add something to my note: the stuffie is handmade, but not by me (I ran out of time). I got it from a local store that sells some handmade items.
Response: But I haven't sent out a photo yet! :D
Response: I'm so glad he got there ok, I was a little nervous about the long trip. Thanks for rating!
Response: It's "Her Diamonds" by Rob Thomas. I thought the word diamonds might give it away, but he's the only artist on the list I listen to.
Response: Yeah, it's "Her Diamonds" by Rob Thomas. I thought the word diamonds might give it away, but he's the only artist on the list I listen to.
Response: I used a stencil and Adirondack spray dye. I like the texture it gives rather than a flat paint. Thanks for the heart!
Response: I'm glad you like it! It came out better than i was expecting.
Response: Thanks! It was my third try - I haven't really used watercolor pencils before. I found they blended better if I put the water on first.