Fives ratings for uiltje
Use the controls to the right to show only the ratings you are interested in.
Response: Thanks for the heart.
That arrived soon, just in 1 week.
Response: Nur in 2 Tagen angekommen, unglaublich!
Viel Spaß bei der nächsten Runde.
Response: Thank you for rating and the heart.
Response: Such a long strike!
Thank you for rating and the heart.
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
Response: Ik geef je groot gelijk.
Ik geniet ook erg van de zon in huis.
Response: Thanks for the heart.
Have a lovely day.
Response: No problem, it is very human to forget things.
Enjoy the next round and have a great evening.
Response: Thanks for rating.
But I'm confused: didn't I write anything on the backside of the card?
Sorry for that............
Response: Thanks for rating Karell.
Have fun with the nex round.
Response: Yes, mine too!
Thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: Thank you for the heart.
Enjoy this upcoming weekend!
Response: Enjoy the next round.
Thanks for the heart.
Response: Enjoy the last round.
Thanks for rating.
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
My greetins to you and the lama.
Response: With pleasure made for you.
Despite my lack of creativity lately I managed to find out something new.
Response: I was doubting about the thickness of the card. I always make may inkboxcards more sturdy.
Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thank you for rating and the heart.
It was fun to do.
Response: Thank you for rating and the heart
Response: T hanks for rating, enjoy the next round.
Response: Take your time, I think it will be beautiful.
Thanks for rating and the heart.
Response: Graag gedaan.
Ben net terug van onze vakantie, was even achter met de administratie.
Response: Because of our holidays (in Germany) this late response.
Have fun with the next round. Or is it the last one? :-)
Response: Thanks for rating, enjoy the next round
Response: Just in 2 days, amazing.
I enjoyed creating this one.
Response: Excuses accepted ;-)
I am glad it arrived and on its way to the next one.
Response: Thank you for the heart.
Enjoy your day and we will meet again I guess
Response: I am glad you liked it.
Thanks for rating and the heart.
Enjoy your day!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
We have to cherish the butterflies and the bees
Response: Thanks for the heart.
Enjoy your gel plate!
Response: Oh, you made me shy.
Thanks for rating and the heart.
Response: Dank je wel voor het hartje.
Graag gedaan, is leuk om te doen
Fijne lente!
Response: Enjoy the next round.
I wish you a sparkling spring.
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
I hope you will get better very soon
Response: Thank you so much for rating and the heart.
I enjoyed playing with the colours
Response: Enjoy the next round, thanks for rating
Response: Have fun with the next round!
Response: Thanks for the heart, enjoy the next round.
Response: Thank you for rating and the heart.
A card to create more often
Response: My best wishes for this New Year, with a lot of creativity.
Thanks for rating and the heart.
I also joined in for the "little folks" edition in this series.
It makes fun!
Response: It took me some attempts to weave the strips the way I wanted.
YouTube helped me out.
And while stitching the PC went more sturdy.
Thanks for rating and the heart.
Have a Merry Christmas!!
Response: That arrived so quick.
Thanks for rating and the heart.
Enjoy the next round!
Response: Thanks for the heart.
Napkins are so lovely to use in all sorts of creative items.
Response: Misschien iets stormachtigs?
Benieuwd naar het eindresultaat.
Response: Zo blij dat ik foto's maak van wat ik verstuur. Moest even denken wat ik gemaakt had.
Is weer eens wat anders en kan ik ook weer gebruiken in een andere groep.
Response: Thanks for the heart
Response: Deze gelukkig gewoon op tijd.
Veel plezier er mee.
Response: Gelukkig is deze wel aangekomen. Ik denk dat de 1e niet meer aan gaat komen. Maar je weet maar nooit.
Response: Thank you for rating and the heart.
Response: Oeps, sorry voor de late reaktie.
Met de ESO versie doe ik mee sinds oktober 2021, ronde #2.
Ook daar is de groep niet super groot, maar wel leuk. Er zitten creatieve dames tussen, die ik soms ook tegen kom bij de Art Journal rondes.
Die is heerlijk om te doen, maar kost wel elke keer 3 postzegels..........
Response: Amazing, in 2 days time.
Thanks for the heart
Response: I will, thank you.
Have a nice summer, hopefully without high temperatures and nature fires
Response: Inmiddels een verkoelende maandag.
Ik zit een beetje in de lappenmand en dan heb je ineens geduld voor dit soort dingen. Schudkaarten op een groter formaat gaan een stuk beter/sneller.
Geniet nog lekker na van je vakantie, de Provence is geweldig!
Response: Wat fijn dat de kaart toch nog is aangekomen ;-)
Blij dat het inmiddels een beetje is afgekoeld, maar de temperaturen gaan wel behoorlijk op en neer............
Response: Hét ultieme vakantiegevoel in zo'n omgeving vraagt gewoon om weinig bereik op een telefoon.
Vroeger (sprak deze oude taart) had je dit "probleem" helemaal niet en ging ook alles gewoon goed ;-)
Fijne zomer!
Response: Amazing how quick it arrived, most of the times it takes about 2,5 weeks.
I kept the mermaid in a small box for a long time without having a use for it, until this PC arrived.
Response: You make me very curious...........
Response: Ik heb vakantie, maar toch een beetje achter met mijn administratie.
Deze kaartenronde blijft zó leuk om te doen!
Response: You're welcome.
Have a nice sunny weekend!
Response: Thanks for rating.
Just a simple one. But that is the best way to start a new round.
Response: Veel plezier met de volgende ronde weer.
Ik stuur je een pb over de folie
Response: Dankjewel weer voor het hartje.
Ik heb een paar keer mee mogen kijken op het grote sorteercentrum in Rotterdam. Verbazingwekkend hoe dat allemaal gaat. Vroeger (toen alles meer handmatig ging) mochten er geen vreemde vormen verzonden worden. Nu alles machinaal gaat vraag je je af hoe dat zo goed kan gaan.
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
It gave me more inspiration for making stapled items.
Response: Thanks for the heart.
Enjoy sending along this Journal.
Response: ooh, that quick? Amazing.
Enjoy the next round and thanks for the heart.
Response: Oops, I missed your rating. Sorry for that.
I organized my craftroom this afternoon. I threw away a lot of never used things and created new space for my new point of view of crafting like collages and masterboards.
It was raining all day over here, but I think spring is on its way ;-)
Response: Graag gedaan weer.
Ik heb vroeger heel veel geborduurd. Maar ik heb ook veel gekregen van mijn schoonmoeder.
Dus de keuze was reuze!
Response: Dank je wel voor het hartje.
Ik vond het leuk om te doen.
Maar ook spannend met het verzenden. Wilde het niet in een transparant hoesje doen. Maar op het moment van het dacht ik: oeps we krijgen dagen met veel regen............
Response: You are very welcome.
I love to do these swaps.
Thanks for the heart!
Like to meet you in another swap.
Response: It's always a big guess. These few days it is raining. By inland sendings it depends on the kind of art: a collage with a lot of glue or one with watercolours.
Thanks for rating!
Response: Thanks for rating Robyn.
For the postal sorting machines these kind of envelopes are difficult to handle. A lot of coulours etc. And then it can take some extra time to arrive.
But sometimes I take the risk.
Response: I am glad you liked the photos.
Have fun with the art journal.
Response: Zo simpel kan het soms zijn.
Ik had er nog niet aan gedacht, gewoon een kaartje uit mijn voorraaddoos
Response: Thanks for rating.
Have fun with the next round.
I guess we will meet again ;-)
Response: We both are not very romantic types, but this story makes fun to tell.
Thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
Maybe I received the stamp from you ;-)
Response: Weer benieuwd naar het eindresultaat.
Ik zie hem wel verschijnen op FB.
Response: Ik weet zeker dat het weer wat moois gaat worden.
Fijn weekend!
Response: Gelukkig maar.
Óp naar de volgende ronde
Response: Vel plezier met de volgende ronde.
Response: Thanks for the heart.
Happy New Year to you, your family and friends!
Response: Thanks for the heart.
Happy New Year to you, your family and friends!
Response: Graag gedaan
Ik hoop dat moeder en kind het barre weer hebben overleefd.
Wat een weer!
Response: Graag gedaan weer.
En opnieuw uiterst benieuwd naar het eindresultaat.
Response: Thanks for the heart.
Enjoy the next round.
Response: Voorbeeld van wat priegelwerk, maar wat sneller gaat als je het vaker doet.
Dank voor het hartje!
Response: Graag gedaan weer.
Dank voor je hartje.
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
Response: Thanks for the compliment.
I have tons of magazines. And also a lot of pieces of cloth, garn, and...., and..... ;-)
Response: Thanks for rating ánd the heart!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart!
See you next time.
Response: It's nice to add some extras for 1 stamp.
Response: I hope we can see the end result ;-)
Response: I am glad it arrived and that you liked it.
Thanks for the heart.
Response: Sorry for the confusion.
Have fun with the next round.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Dank je wel voor het hartje.
Ook dit was weer leuk om te doen
Response: Thank you for rating and the heart.
We can't wait to let the cat go outside. Then she can see all those birds closer by........;-)
Response: Was nog van een oude NS swap met ruffles. Had er nog een aantal liggen.
Moet weer eens een voorraadje maken. Multifunctioneel.
Dank voor het hartje.
Response: I am glad you liked the items.
Have fun using them.
Thanks for the heart.
Response: Graag gedaan Mieke.
we houden contact..
Response: Wat in het vat zit verzuurt niet.
Dank je wel voor het hartje!
Response: Thank you for rating and the heart..
Now and then you create something (mostly small things like inkboxcards) you wave goodbye while putting into the mailbox, hoping it will arrive save and quick. This is one of them. ;-)
Response: Thank you for rating, have a nice evening!
Response: This swap gave so much fun.
Thanks for the heart.
Have a nice day!
Response: You are very welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Have a colourfull autumn!
Response: Zal ongetwijfeld weer wat moois worden.
Response: Graag gedaan, succes met de laatste ronde
Response: So sweet of you, I feel shy.
Thank you so much for the rating!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
Enjoy collecting feathers more and more!
Response: You are very welcome.
Thanks for rating and the heart.
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart!
Last week and at least the one coming we have a lot of rain ;-)
Response: Thanks for hosting this swap and rating it with a heart.
Today, on the news, there was a graphic of the British weather service which showed us the average temperature in the whole of Europa since 1900.
Till 1950 you could see just a small increase.
But this up coming years we have to deal with a lot of high temperatures and shortage of water............
Response: Dank je wel voor het hartje.
Ik hoop dat er in de toekomst meer mensen aanhaken
Response: Thanks for rating.
Enjoy your day!
Response: I am glad you liked it, thanks for your kind words and the heart.
I think Swap-bot is a perfect way to learn from other people and other parts of the world.
Have a nice day!
Response: Thanks for the heart and enjoy the next round!
Response: Graag gedaan.
Succes met brainstormen!
Response: Graag gedaan.
Was leuk om te doen.
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
And I am still nervous about collage and journaling.
My experience is the more you will give it a try, the better it works out.
Response: Grag gedaan.
Wil je hem ook nog even op de FB pagina zetten? ;-)
Response: Veel plezier er mee.
Vond het wel een beetje fragiel, deze achtergrond.
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
It was fun to do this swap.
Have a nice day!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
Have fun with it.
Response: Dank je wel voor het hartje. Zal met een beperkt aantal deelnemers wel lang duren voordat hij weer terug is.
Response: It looked already perfect when I received it myself.......
Enjoy the next/last round.
Are you a member of the ESO Facebookgroup?
There you can show your sent and received swaps
Response: Oh, that arrived very soon.
Thank you for rating ánd the heart.
Response: Most of the time I forget I have a box filled with napkins.
I agree with you they are great to work with.
Thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: Een verrassingspakket met papier kan teleurstellend zijn, maar in dit geval was ik super blij!
Dank voor het hartje.
Response: So glad you liked them.
I order my stamps in a webshop with 10% discount. Most of the times I receive older ones, the ones which are not available in the shops anymore.
Stamps are expensive, so 10% is great!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
Have a nice day!
Response: Graag gedaan, hoor.
Dank je wel voor het hartje.
Response: Give some hugs to my pig ;-)
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
I am not lying: tomorrow morning I will have an appointment with my dentist.............
Response: Thanks for rating.
Enjoy the next round of this delicious PC.
Response: You're welcome!
These swaps are a great way to send ugly PCs to someone else instead of throwing them away.
Thanks for the heart.
Response: Graag gedaan.
Ik vind deze rondes steeds leuker, maar soms ook spannend vinden.
Aan het eind van de rit kom je er altijd aan uit!
Response: Thank you for rating and the heart.
A couple of days ago I used huge spinach leafs on my gelplate.....
Response: Graag gedaan.
Veel plezier met de washi.
Response: Thanks for rating ánd the heart!
Response: Thanks for rating ánd the heart!
Response: Wat een verrassing dat deze ook is aangekomen ;-)
Response: Graag gedaan weer!
Response: Thanks for rating ánd the heart.
Maybe we will meet in an European swap?
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
Enjoy the next round.
Have a nice evening!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Enjoy the next round!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
Enjoy the next round!
Response: Dank je wel voor je hartje.
Veel plezier met de volgende ronde.
Fijne Paasdagen!
Response: You are very welcome.
I love these swaps. Easy to make and with great result.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for rating.
Enjoy the next round.
Response: Dank je wel voor het hartje.
Fijne weekend!
Response: Dank voor het hartje.
Was onverwachts nogal heftig qua kleuren.
Dus ik ben weer benieuwd naar het eindresultaat.
Response: Zoals gezegd: ik kwam het pas tot ontdekking toen ik je adres schreef.
Dank voor het hartje!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
Enjoy completing the PC.
Have a nice day!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
Have a nice day!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
Enjoy your day!
Response: Dank voor het hartje.
Laat die 2 lekker verder fladderen!
Response: Lots of success with the next round and these 2 very different items.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for rating ánd the heart.
Have a lovely day!
Response: 4 Weeks ago I put the Dutch mail sticker on the envelope...
Modern western people have to be patient ;-)
Thanks for rating!
Response: I used these cutting dies for a birthday card. I love to puzzle till the items the way I want them to fit in.
We are still healthy, but we went into a rollercoaster these days.
Our son waved us goodbye a couple of weeks ago and went to his own students room in Rotterdam, only 10 km away (of course by bike)
He was infected with Covid by a roommate and went back home in self isolation for 2 days. The 2 others also found a place to stay safe.
We are glad we have a rather big house. Funny to communicate with Whatsapp in your own house.
He went back to his own room, together with the one who infected him.
This morning my husband and were tested for Covid, just to be sure.
In just 8 hours we knew everything was OK...amazing how quick. and what a relief!
"See" you next time!
Response: Thanks for the heart.
It is easier to make 1 PC out of 10 other ones than out of 3-4 ones.
Love to meet again!
Response: Dank je wel voor het hartje!
Response: Thank you so much for rating ánd the heart!
I love to create inkbox cards and still learning.
I received the dried flowers from a partner in another group.
This month she has her birthday. I want to create a card with a hole and dried flowers.
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
This swap made fun to create.
I wish you a very creative New Year!
Response: Succes weer met de volgende ronde.
Alvast een fijne jaarwisseling en een creatief nieuw jaar toegewenst!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
I still don't know whether I visited Växjö before. My photos (and a lot of other things) are moved to other parts of the house.
In January we start with renewing the 2 stairs and 3 rooms: wallpaper and carpets.
I hope we will find everything back again..........;-)
Response: You are very welcome!
These swaps are so nice to do: read your partners profile and try to find matching things.
Have a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year!
Response: You're very welcome!
Thanks for the heart.
Have a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year!
Response: Thanks for rating and heart.
Sorry for my late reaction.
In the Netherlands we celebrate Sinterklaas (5/12), after it was my birthday.
Have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Response: Jij ook fijne dagen.
Succes met de volgende ronde!
Response: Such a long journey!
So glad it arrived after all.
Thanks for the heart, please stay safe and enjoy the coming weeks!
Response: Enjoy your envelope and its content.
Fijne Dembermaand!
Response: I'll give my regards to my husband ;-)
Thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: So much fun to send these kind of swaps.
Hope to meet you again in another swap.
Bleib gesund!
Response: Op de postzegel met de krab zat links onder al een beetje summier een stempel.
Als je de kaart zat bent, heb je in ieder geval een decemberzegel voor een volgende keer ;-)
Response: Very welcome!
Enjoy the teas and cactus items!
Response: You're welcome.
Better to get a page from an old road map/atlas and create an envelope, then pick up a plain white one from the store
Response: Mijn kaartje was te klein om al mijn stickers op te maken.....
Dank je wel voor je hartje.
Response: Yes, yes, yes!!
It took a while and it was not good for our heartbeat.
Have fun in the next round.
Thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart.
Enjoy the doll materials.
Have a nice day!
Response: Dank je wel voor het hartje
Response: Veel plezier weer.
Hopelijk met meer andere Europanen.
Response: Geniet van de theetjes!
Response: Thanks for the heart.
Enjoy the content of the envelope.
Response: Geeft niks, ben gewoon blij dat hij er is.
Response: Graag gedaan.
Dank je wel voor het hartje.
Geniet van de thee!
Response: Thanks for the heart and enjoy the tea!
Response: Really? I didn't know that ;-)
Thanks for the heart and enjoy this circus of cats!
Response: No problem with me.
I am glad it arrived, that's the most important!
Have a nice day.
Response: Thanks for rating ánd the heart.
Have a nice day!
Response: You're very welcome.
Thanks for the heart.
Have a nice day!
Response: Oohh, it arrived in a really short of time.
Enjoy the last round.
Thanks for rating ánd the heart!
Response: Never throw old PCs away to make a statement!
Thanks for rating ánd the heart!
Response: Most of the times "accidents" gives you lovely things/backgrounds.
Enjoy the next round!
Thanks for rating ánd the heart.
Response: You're welcome! Enjoy the next round.
Thanks for the heart.
Response: Je maakt me wel nieuwsgierig hoe je het voor de 2e ronde hebt opgepakt.
Duurt soms zó lang voordat je kaartje terug thuis is.
Geduld is een schone zaak..........
Response: It arrived in just 2 days? It's amazing.
A couple of months ago I bought a new sewingmachine. I used it a couple of times.
For this card I wanted to find another use instead of fabric.
It moved backwards, I have to find out what is happening.
Therefore, the old fashioned way, by hand ;-)
Response: Ach, mijn administratie was ook niet op orde. Ik had het nog niet opgemerkt.
Heb je je ingeschreven voor #51?
Dan heb je nu werk aan de winkel! ;-)
Response: Ooohhh, please forgive me!
It arrived after all and I missed your rating.
Shame on me!
Thanks for the heart!!!!
Response: Sorry I didn't response on your rating.
Thanks for the heart.
And it arrived so soon: in just 5 days. It's amazing!
Response: Succes!
Maar dat gaat wel goed komen denk ik ;-)
Response: Autumn arrived over here.
I love all those colours.
But not the spider webs in my hair.
At the other way, in the morning, with some moisture..........marvelous!
Response: Thanks for rating ánd the heart.
Pineapple mean the "sinaasappel"?
It means "orange" ;-)
I hope hope you will still like it!
Response: Thanks for rating ánd the heart!
Response: hoi Eva!
Gecondoleerd met het verlies van je schoonvader. Heftige tijden altijd.
Dank je wel voor het hartje!
Sterkte voor jullie allemaal.
Response: Amazing how quick it arrived. Most of the time it takes about 2 weeks.....
Thanks for rating ánd the heart!
Have a nice evening!
Response: Dank je wel voor het hartje.
Ik kreeg er onlangs zelf een met een servet. Daar zit ik ook nog op te broeden.......
Response: Sorry for my late reaction.
Thanks for the heart.
I ordered them a few years ago in a Russian webshop. I was really nervous about it: will my payment be OK? Will my package arrive?
And yes, everything went well, even an extra item.
Something was missing, I received it later on, with a lot of excuses.
Response: Thanks for rating ánd the heart.
Have a lovely summer!
Response: Ja graag ;-)
Succes er mee!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Enjoy the extras.
Response: Thanks for the heart.
I am wondering: did it really took so long to arrive? .....
Response: Succes er mee.
Is toch elke keer weer een verrassing wat er uiteindelijk uit gaat komen.
Response: You're welcome.
Thanks for the heart.
Response: Graag gedaan, hoor!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
Response: I'll keep it mind when I have to send you another first round. ;-)
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Ik ben ook erg benieuwd. Stofstalen hebben denk ik vaak nog een beschermlaagje ivm veelvuldig gebruik.
Mijn kleurtjes vloeiden toch lekker.uit.
Succes met kliederen!
Response: You are very welcome!. That's what makes swap-bot so nice, meeting other countries and their inhabitants.
Thanks for the heart.
Have a nice evening!
Response: Graag gedaan, veel plezier met de draadjes.
Ik vind het metaaldraad heerlijk om mee te werken, je kunt het alle kanten uitvouwen. En is steeds verrassend.
Dank voor de swap!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: Add whatever you like, that's the fun part of this swap.
I'll keep it in mind about the corners of the envelope.
Just this afternoon I was sorting out how to post the final result (I received one today)
I guess it's my problem with the big system of Swap-bot and my translating from English into Dutch.
Maybe you can help me out in a message?
Response: You're very welcome.
Thank you for the heart.
There is another swap for you "under construction" right now ;-)
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
It was really a fun swap.
Response: Happy this one arrived!
Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks rating and the heart. So much fun to do this.
It arrived só quick!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
I received a PC from my partner with a very touching text in the speech bubble.
I certainly will do another round!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
Give my regards to the old men!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
And about the tattoos: you are never too old to learn something new ;-)
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
Over here we have a very slow vaccination policy. Old people received the vaccine, but the ones who take care for them (hospitals, nursing homes) not.
Now we have disagreements about the different manufacturers in connection with any side effects.
It is very non Dutch......
This morning I got a call from my family doctor, I can get my vaccination in 2 weeks.
Please, stay safe and healthy!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
And for joining my swap!
Response: Soms zijn "mislukkelingen" best wel leuk om opnieuw te gebruiken.
Succes met de volgende ronde. Benieuwd wat er uit gaat komen en of hij überhaupt terug komt.
Response: Daarom heb er ook niet al te veel aan toegevoegd.........
Succes met het afmaken.
Response: Ik was weer helemaal met mijn Gelli plate bezig.
Meestal maakte ik achtergronden "op voorraad". Ik heb nu veel meer kleuren (een mooie box met 36 stuks), dus nu kan ik veel meer op maat proberen te maken.
Response: Ik heb de envelop gemaakt op mijn Gelli plate. Vorig jaar heel voorzichtig hier mee begonnen, afgelopen Kerst een prachtige doos met 36 tubetjes acrylverf gekregen.
Dank je wel voor het hartje.
Tot een volgende keer!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
"see" you next time!
Response: I am so glad it arrived at last. What an adventure for this swap.
Enjoy adding something new to the card.
"See" you next time in another swap!
Response: Thanks for rating ánd the heart.
Maybe you can use the word toekomstmuziek some other time!
Response: Thanks for your kind words, rating and the heart.
I'm sure we will meet again in another swap!
Response: Veel plezier met de finishing touch.
Hopelijk zie ik hem nog terug op onze FB pagina.
Response: Thanks for your kind words, rating ánd the heart.
Enjoy the tea and your growing collection paperclips.
Response: Normaal gesproken ben ik niet zo lui voor een eerste ronde. Maar ik vond dit zo mooi.
Response: Which one arrived? The one with the PC of Anne Geddes and the black&white? = resend.
Or the first one with 4 PC's?
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Enjoy the die cuts1
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart!
This card was just an easy one for this first round. It is a piece of wallpaper. Didn't I mention it on my card? I am not sure anymore.
Don't be disappointed when your creation is not perfect.
I am curious how all partners will continue this card.
Response: Thank you so much for rating ánd the heart.
Enjoy "thinking outside the box" in other swaps! First it gives you the creeps, later it gives you satisfaction.
Response: Thanks for rating ánd the heart.
Christmas 2020: rather high temperatures, no snow at all.
11th of February: snowfall, cold from the east. Almost no public transport. I had to walk to deliver mail by foot instead of by bike. But I survived!
Response: Vond het leuk een flinke tegenstelling er aan toe te voegen.
Was een paar weken geleden nog niet in me opgekomen.
Zó benieuwd naar wat je er van gaat maken.
Response: Ooohh, so quick? amazing!
Thanks for rating ánd the heart!
Greetings from the Netherlands. We have a sudden and unusual winter. A lot of snow and low temperatures. Trains, trams and busses have problems to go from A to B, I have to walk with my bike with mail instead of riding.
Response: Super blij dat hij is aangekomen.
Dank voor het hartje!
Response: Thanks for the heart.
As always I am curious about the result. It is such a dark, almost sombre background.
Response: Thank for the heart!
Near Rotterdam we don't have any snow at all because we are situated at the coast, so it's warmer.
See you next time!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
Stay safe and healthy!
Response: Dank je wel voor het hartje!
Het lijkt wel of ik steeds meer bestemmingen heb om ooit nog eens naar toe te gaan.
Deze is geloof ik het meest dicht bij ;-)
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
Even in the Netherlands there are a people who don't like liquorice......I don't understand that at all ;-)
Enjoy them in good health!
Response: You're very welcome!
Enjoy using them.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Graag gedaan, dank voor je hartje.
Geniet van de theetjes!
Response: Dank je wel voor het hartje. Veel succes met de volgende ronde.
De beste wensen voor het nieuwe jaar, met gezellige post en kunstige knutsels!
Response: Thanks for rating ánd the heart.
Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Hopefully 2021 brings us more health and joy.
Please, stay safe!
Response: I'm glad you saw the branches the way I saw them....;-)
Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones.
Response: Graag gedaan!
Fijne dagen.
Response: Ja, heb ik ook wel eens gehad. Er stond een heel rijtje. Jammer dat er zo weinig mensen zijn die deelnemen. Het kringetje wordt dan wel erg klein.
Voor een andere ronde had ik een oproep via de FB groep gedaan. Meteen 3 nieuwe aanmeldingen.
Dank voor je hartje!
Response: You're very welcome. I am glad they survived the trip. And how about the spider?
Have a nice day and stay healthy.
Response: I am glad they arrived and that you like them. Enjoy!
Thanks for rating ánd the heart.
Response: Veel plezier bij de volgende ronde.
Dank voor je hartje.
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
Don't frame this PC and hang it above your bed.
Otherwise you can't sleep tonight.....;-)
Response: Dank je wel voor het hartje!
Zo leuk om te doen, ik hoop het vast te houden voor volgende keren.
Response: You're very welcome.
Thanks for rating and the heart.
Have fun in the next round.
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
Next time I will bring the swap by bike! ;-)
Response: Tsja, veel verschil in de swaps kon ik niet aanbrengen: herfst en...herfst. ;-)
Dank je wel voor je hartje.
Enne, die monsters moet ik onthouden!
Response: Ben zoals altijd benieuwd naar het eindresultaat.
Is-ie echt zo lang onderweg geweest? 26/10 op de bus gegaan, ik wilde je al een berichtje sturen.
Dank je voor het hartje!
Response: Graag gedaan.
Misschien kom ik er nog eens iets van tegen ;-)
Response: So glad I always take a picture of all the things I send....
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Have a nice day.
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
I'm glad I always make pictures when I send items.
My question: did it really took 2 months to arrive..............?
Response: You're welcome.
I ordered the stamp at AliExpress. I didn't expect it that huge! :-)
Response: Hallo "gelijkgestemde in het gestructureerd werken" ;-)
Ik zit ook alles op de vierkante mm uit te meten. Ik heb al een tijdje een Gelli plate, daar maak ik achtergronden mee. Maar ik ben ook nog niet los gegegaan. Maar met behulp van YouTube filmpjes zie je dat je als een klein kind gewoon moet kliederen met verf en niet bang moet zijn voor vieze vingers...........
Dank je wel voor het hartje!
Response: Thanks for rating ánd the heart.
Just a question: did it really traveled so slow? I sent it the 3rd of August........
Please, stay safe and healthy!
Response: Thanks for rating ánd the heart.
Have a nice day!
Response: Thanks for the heart.
Have a nice day!
Response: Graag gedaan, dank voor het hartje.
Maak er nog een mooie dag van!
Response: Dank je wel voor je hartje.
Jungerhans was prijzig, maar wel mooi spul. Het jammere van het verdwijnen is dat er weinig diversiteit blijft. Alle steden hebben dezelfde ketens.
Maak er mooie zonnige dagen van!
Response: You're very welcome, it was fun to do!
Response: Ooohh, that went fast from my mailbox to yours.
Thanks for rating, enjoy the next round!
Response: Thanks for rating ánd the heart.
Thanks to the internet to search for examples :-)
Response: Oohh, it really got fast!
Enjoy the teas.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
Have a nice day!
Response: Oh, that went very well. Just in 8 days. Most of the times it takes 2,5 weeks.
Thanks for rating and the heart.
Have a nice day!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
Have a nice day!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Amazing: just in 5 days. Most of the time it takes 2-2,5 weeks...........
Response: Thanks for rating ánd the heart.
Enjoy this sunday!
Response: Graag gedaan. Was alles heel overgekomen?
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart. Enjoy the tea!
Response: I love to make envelopes of magazine pages. Thanks for the heart and enjoy the tea!
Response: I agree: what a wonderful idea!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
Response: I am só glad I always take pictures of all the swaps I send. Now I remmeber the card again;-)
Thanks for the rating ánd the heart.
Please, stay safe. And enjoy this swap. It makes fun!
Response: Graag gedaan weer. Blijft toch zó leuk deze rondes.
Response: Well, let's say "better late than never rated"
Stay safe!
Response: Thanks for the heart. Enjoy the last round.
Response: Thanks for the heart. See you next time!
Response: Thanks for the heart and rating!
Response: Thanks for rating ánd of course the heart!
Response: Hallo again!
Thanks for the heart. I guess we will meet another time!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
I really have no idea what I sent. ;-)
Is it possible to send me a picture?
I always make pictures, but my laptop crashed a coupe of months ago......
Response: Ik moest even denken: een "ahum Amsterdamse kaart". Gelukkig had ik nog een foto gemaakt. Ooit een doosje met kaarten gekocht voor het buitenland. Heel leuk, maar kost een postzegel extra.
Succes in de volgende ronde en dank voor het hartje!
Response: Enjoy the teas ánd the buttons.
I think, when my daughter saves some money again, she will return to Korea again. Maybe I will join here, I am very curious about the cities, the shops, the way of life!
Response: So glad I always take pictures of the outgoing swaps. Otherwise I didn't remember what I sent.
Enjoy the last round!
Thanks for the heart
Response: You're welcome.
Thanks for rating and stay safe!
Response: Thanks for the heart, enjoy the papers.
Response: Thanks for rating!
Response: You're welcome! I always read my partners profile and try to search for something matching.
Thanks for rating ánd the heart!
Response: What happened? It arrived in just 8 days. Most of the times it takes about 2,5 weeks......
Thank you so much for rating ánd the heart.
Enjoy the teas!
Response: You're welcome!
Thanks for rating ánd the heart!
Response: OOOhhh, just in 9 days? Amazing!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Dank je wel voor het hartje.
Hij is wel aan de zware kant, maar ik vond de randen te leuk om ze af te snijden.
Gewoon 1 postzegel plakken!
Response: Graag gedaan en dank voor je hartje
Pas goed op jezelf !
Response: Graag gedaan, veel plezier er mee. Toen ik eenmaal bezig was was ik niet meer te stoppen ;-)
Heb inmiddels ook een houdertjes gekocht. Ik rommelde aan met een theelichtje, maar dit is beter.
Kwam binnen op de dag dat je envelop op de bus ging. Maar wel met 14 dagen binnen via Ali.
Dank voor je hartje!
Response: Graag gedaan, veel plezier er mee en dank voor het hartje!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
Success and joy in the next round(s)
Response: Is zó leuk om te doen. Regelmatig zit ik naar een nieuw binnen gekomen kaart te kijken met een blik van : wat moet ik hier nu mee? Soms ben je bang om iets te doen omdat je niet weet hoe het uit gaat pakken (opnieuw doen kan echt niet)
Veel plezier met deze rondes!
Response: Graag gedaan, dank je wel voor het hartje!
Response: Almost 2 month to arrive, it never took so long......
Have fun with figuring out!
Thanks for the heart, stay safe and healthy!
Response: To be honest: I stamped the cow and the stool. Please, don't tell anybody........;-)
Kingsday was very strange this year (while typing I have goosebumps on my arms).
Only flags on the houses, no celebrating people in the streets, no children selling their toys at the market.
Thanks for the heart!!
Response: Graag gedaan, Dank je wel voor het hartje!
Response: All ends well. I was unsure if I would make one with cherry blossom...........;-)
Thanks for rating and the heart.
Please stay safe and healthy.
I'm sure we will meet each other again in another swap!
Response: Thanks for rating ánd the heart.
Give my regards to the ibex ;-)
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
Stay safe and healthy!
Response: Thanks for rating, the heart and the compliments!
Response: Take a deep breath and after that another one. Finally everything is coming to a good end!
Take care of yourself!
Response: Graag gedaan, dank je wel voor je hartje!
Blijf gezond in deze rare tijd!
Response: Graag gedaan. Is we even een knutsel, maar is leuk om te doen.
Blijf gezond in deze rare tijd!
Response: Graag gedaan, hoor.
Dank je wel voor het hartje!!
Response: Graag gedaan, succes weer met de volgende ronde!
Response: I'm só glad arrived and rather soon too!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for rating ánd the heart!
Response: Thanks for rating ánd the heart!
Response: Thanks for rating ánd the heart!
Response: Veel succes in een volgende ronde!
Response: Thanks for rating ánd the heart! Enjoy the next round.
Response: Thanks for rating ánd the heart! Enjoy the next round.
Response: Thanks for the heart. Give my regards to your new pet!
Response: Had ik de envelop in een transparant hoesje gestuurd? Ik doe het vaker. en als het stevig materiaal is laat ik de envelop meestal open voor hergebruik of evt. dicht met een washi.
Succes met de volgende ronde. Ik vond hem van oorsprong al prachtig!
Response: Graag gedaan en dat je er maar veel gebruik van mag maken!
Response: You're very welcome. Enjoy the tea, thanks for the heart!
Response: Succes en dank voor het hartje!
Response: I'm glad they arrived, enjoy your extending collection!
Thanks for hosting this swap.
At this very moment I'm enjoying one of the teas ;-)
Response: Graag gedaan, veel plezier met toevoegen en dank je voor het hartje!
Response: You're welcome, they arrived just in time for the next round.
Have a nice evening!
Response: You're welcome. My first one for this series and só curious about the end result!
Response: Graag gedaan. Met de Gelli plate voel je je net een klein kind: "kliederen met verf". Ik heb inmiddels de originele besteld............
Response: With a little help from IKEA ;-)
And I think you smell the tree, it's from a bag of potpourri...........
Response: You're welcome and thank for rating ánd the heart!
Response: Leuk te horen. Is wel een gefriemel om te doen maar goed te gebruiken voor bijv. verjaardagskaarten.
Dank voor je hartje!
Response: Ja, klopt!
Ik moet ook altijd goed nadenken met verschillende rondes. Soms ontvang je er eentje eerder dan 1 voor de volgende ronde. Ik zit dan apatisch te staren naar mijn overzicht...........
Response: Graag gedaan, Was even een gepuzzel om de vouwlijnen precies midden op hun neus te krijgen.
Dit is zó leuk om te doen.
Dank voor je hartje.
Response: Graag gedaan, dank voor het hartje!
Response: My suggestion: frame it first, then send it! ;-)
Response: Thanks for rating ánd the heart! Maybe we will meet in another swap.
Response: Thanks for rating ánd the heart. I'm glad we met again in this swap!
Response: Succes met de volgende ronde.
En ik zag toevallig gisteren watt velletjes liggen bij de Action. Wel een maatje groter, maar met aardig wat beschadigingen. Deze waren echt super goed verpakt
Dank voor je hartje!
Response: Gelukkig zat er dan toch nog iets moois bij.
Dank voor je hartje.
Response: Graag gedaan. Ik heb de smaak te pakken, dit kun je ook in kleine variaties doen @inspiratie
Response: You're welcome, thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart. Please, take care of these furry creatures ;-)
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: Dank je wel voor het hartje!
Response: Nu al aangekomen? Dat is snel! Dank je wel voor rating en het hartje. Tot een volgende keer misschien en een fijn weekend!
Response: Weet ik, maar ik probeer toch verschillende mensen op het kaartje te houden. Daarom ga ik tegenwoordig maar voor 3 rondes ipv 4, want het groepje is maar klein.
Response: Graag gedaan, hoor!
Response: Ik heb door de jaren heen een flinke voorraad opgebouwd, zodoende kun je eigenlijk altijd wel iets passends vinden.
Dank je wel voor je hartje.
Geniet van de zomer!
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for rating ánd the heart.
Have a nice day!
Response: I'm glad yo dislikes it as well!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart for this very ugly PC!
Response: Graag gedaan, was leuk om te doen. Dank je wel voor het hartje.
Je kunt evt. foto's op de FB pagina zetten ;-)
Response: Oh, gelukkig toch aangekomen. Dank voor het raten
Response: Ik vond 'm moeilijk. Maar aldoende leert men!
Succes met de volgende ronde.
Response: Gelukkig, hij is aangekomen. Leuk dat je weer in het Engels reageert. En wat een toeval, deze postzegels. Deze zending heeft heel wat leuks opgeleverd!
Response: Ik had op Youtube gezien hoe je een goedkopere versie van structuurpasta zelf kunt maken. Dit was het resultaat. Ik hoop wel dat het in de volgende rondes niet breekt. Is dat bij de structuurpasta ook zo? Ik ben benieuwd.
Response: Graag gedaan, dank voor het hartje. En mooi dat je wat met de pagina's kunt.
Response: Dank je wel voor de rating en het hartje. Benieuwd naar het eindresultaat!
Response: Graag gedaan. helaas iets te vroeg verstuurd.....
Response: Graag gedaan, dank voor je hartje. Ondanks het feit dat ik niet goed gelezen had.....
Response: Dank voor het hartje. Sorry voor het te vroeg verzenden.......
Response: Dank je wel voor het hartje. Ik ben zeer benieuwd naar het eindresultaat. Dit is zó leuk om te doen!
Response: Dank je wel voor het hartje. Ik vind dit zó leuk om te doen!
Response: I'm glad you're glad it arrived!
Thanks for rating and the heart.
Happy swapping!
Response: Ben zó benieuwd naar het eindresultaat. Heb er al een opmerking over geplaatst hoe we dit kunnen doen.
Dank voor je hartje! En voor het naar huis sturen.
Response: I'm so glad it reached its destination!
And many thanks for putting my name on the PCs. Because of the very busy month I decided not to send many swaps. So it slipped my mind. Thanks for helping me out.
My best wishes to you and your loved ones!
Response: You're very welcome! Thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: Graag gedaan. Veel plezier met knutselen!
Bedankt voor je hartje!
Response: "Pukkels" is het beste begin van de dag!
Dank je wel voor het hartje
Response: Dank je wel voor het hartje.
Succes met brainstormen!
Response: Ik had een probleem met de kaartjes met een plaatsnaam. Een flinke Rotterdamse vestiging had ze niet, maar die van Capelle a/d IJssel had een uitgebreide collectie. Ik begin een beetje te denken dat de grote steden er niet aan mee doen. Maar of dat echt zo is.......?
Response: Ik had een probleem met de kaartjes met een plaatsnaam. Een flinke Rotterdamse vestiging had ze niet, maar die van Capelle a/d IJssel had een uitgebreide collectie. Ik begin een beetje te denken dat de grote steden er niet aan mee doen. Maar of dat echt zo is.......?
Response: Graag gedaan, ik heb inmiddels een klein voorraadje aangelegd......;-)
Response: You're very welcome.
Another way to write a card.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Graag gedaan! Ben wel benieuwd wanneer de envelop is binnen gekomen.....
Response: Graag gedaan en tot een volgende keer!
Response: Graag gedaan en dank je wel voor je hartje!
Response: Graag gedaan en dank je wel voor het hartje!
Response: Ja, met sprayflaconnetjes (Aliexpres) en levensmiddelenkleurstof.
Dank voor het hartje!
Response: I keep my received stamps in a small box. Now and then I put them on a PC, with similar colours or items.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Graag gedaan en dank voor de rating.
Response: Met sprayflaconnetjes (Aliexpres) en levensmiddelenkleurstof.
Dank voor je hartje!
Response: Graag gedaan weer en dank voor je hartje
Response: I am glad you liked the items. And I am sure there are enough other cat lovers.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Gelukkig hebben we nog de foto's ;-)
Moest wel weer even denken wat ik ook al weer gestuurd had......
Dank voor je hartje!
Response: You're very welcome, thanks for the heart!
Response: Graag gedaan, is leuk om zo te doen. Gaat nog wel een paar keer in de herhaling. Dank voor het hartje!
Response: You're very welcome! Thanks for the heart.
Greetings from my daughter, she likes EXO as well!!
Response: Graag gedaan, ben blij dat het is aangekomen. Duurt toch wel even met Sandd.......
Response: Stonden ook niet in de kaartenmolens, maar bij .... ja wat....ik ben nog steeds zoekende bij de nieuwe vormgeving van de winkels. Ergens op een van de "tafels" met leuke dingetjes. Was een doosje van 5 verschillende, voor een leuk prijsje.
Response: Ik had me zo vastgebeten in de spullen die ik had, dat ik de goodies vergeten ben. Sorry daarvoor. Ik denk zomaar dat wel elkaar wel weer eens tegenkomen, dan maak ik het goed!
Response: Graag gedaan. Sandd heeft zijn belofte waargemaakt: alle 6 zijn ze keurig op tijd bezorgd!
Response: Graag gedaan, Sandd heeft zijn belofte waargemaakt: dinsdag buslichting, vrijdag bezorging!
Response: Graag gedaan, Sandd heeft zijn belofte waargemaakt: dinsdag buslichting, vrijdag bezorging!
En nee, die van jou is nog niet binnen....
Gaat dinsdag gewoon goed komen!
Response: Graag gedaan, Sandd heeft zijn belofte waargemaakt: dinsdag buslichting, vrijdag bezorging!
Response: Dank voor het hartje! En ik ben blij dat Sandd zijn belofte voor levering met 3 dagen heeft waargemaakt!
Fijn weekend!
Response: Graag gedaan, is altijd leuk om te doen.
En snelle bezorging door Sandd ook.
Response: Graag gedaan. een simpele swap, hopelijk kun je de kaarten weer een keertje gebruiken. Mijn kaartendoos puilt inmiddels uit, soms met onmogelijke exemparen die dan toch weer een bestemming vinden!
Response: It makes fun to use your Big Shot and find some amazing small pieces of paper to create die cuts!
Thanks for rating ánd the heart.
Response: You are very welcome!!
Response: Een beetje achter met rating/antwoorden. Dank je wel voor het hartje en graag gedaan!
Response: Vond het een leuk idee: gewoon een kaart kopen en die "aankleden". Dat ga ik meer doen. Zo sipel!
Dank je wel voor het hartje.
Response: Thanks for rating with a heart!
Response: Graag gedaan, dank je wel voor het hartje!
Response: Thanks for rating with a heart.
Most of the time it takes a long time to get some inspiration to make a collage. But when I collected the items I want to use I don't have enough space .......;-)
Response: Thanks for rating with a heart. It's nice to fill an envelope with items your partner loves till it reaches the weight for the maximum of the stamp.
Response: I found your rating after arriving back home from our holiday 2 days ago. Thanks for rating with a heart, I'm glad it arrived after its long travel!
Response: Thanks for rating with a heart.
It was fun to make this PC.
Response: Thanks for rating with a heart.
Have a nice day!
Response: Oh gelukkig, je hebt hem ontvangen. Je moet er gewoon op bedacht zijn dat er mensen met vakantie zijn. Ik ga over 1,5 week 8 dagen weg. Ik zal het thuisfront vragen de ontvangstdatum op de envelop te zetten!
Dank je wel voor het hartje en tot een volgende keer!
Response: Graag gedaan. Was weer leuk om te doen. Ik vind Pocket Letters heerlijk om te maken, maar toch soms een hoop werk. Dus dit is een mooi alternatief.
Dank je wel voor het hartje en geniet van het komende mooie weer!
Response: I'm glad they arrived and I hope the traveling card will find its next destination!
Response: Graag gedaan. Had graag goede ringen willen gebruiken.....zaterdag lagen ze op de mat! ;-)
Response: Dinsdagochtend de envelop op de bus gedaan en nu al aangekomen. Sandd deed deze week wat het belooft ;-)
Dank je wel voor de rating en jij ook fijn weekend!
Response: Graag gedaan. Ben wel een beetje benieuwd wanneer de zending binnen kwam.
Response: 19 febr opnieuw verzonden en nu pas binnen. Het is bijna weer november! Dat duurt wel heel erg lang. Maar goed, hij is aangekomen. Was maar langer hier blijven wonen, dan had ik het op de fiets kunnen brengen!
Dank je wel voor de rating en het hartje.
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
I'm glad you love the items.
Have a nice day!
Response: Thanks for rating and enjoy the tea!
Response: Thanks for the heart. See you next time!
Response: Graag gedaan, dank je wel voor het hartje!
Response: Heerlijk weer eens wat dingen in de tuin kunnen doen. Heb er van genoten!
Dank je wel voor het hartje!
Response: I didn't know it was possible to put so much items into an envelope, only with 1 stamp!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Nice meeting you again, it was a pleasure to send you the teas. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Graag gedaan en dank je wel voor het hartje.
Fijne zondag!
Response: You're welcome, thanks for rating ánd the heart.
Have a nice sunday!
Response: You're very welcome. Most of the time PCs and notecards are staying rather long in my box; not this time!
Thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: Thanks for your kind words ánd the heart!
Response: Graag gedaan. Hij zat al een tijdje in mijn voorraaddoos met kaarten, kon geen afscheid van hem nemen. Maar ik heb hem nu toch uitgezwaaid.
Dank je wel voor het hartje.
Response: Your are very welcome, enjoy your hot chocolate!
Thanks for rating ánd the heart!
Response: Hier het antwoord op mijn vraag, is toch wel lang onderweg geweest.
Dank je wel voor het hartje en veel plezier met je pakketje!
Response: I answered your message first, after that I received your rating ánd the heart. I hope you're not confused....;-)
Response: I'm glad it arrived!
Thanks for rating and the heart.
Response: Graag gedaan, dank je wel voor het hartje. (leuk hoe wij Nederlanders af en toe berichten in het Engels ;-) )
Response: I'm so glad it arrived after its long travel. I already collected some items for a resend. In the right corner I put a piece of a Carbonara pastasauce package. But there are some other things left.
Thanks for the heart, maybe we will meet again in another swap!
Response: That was a very long travel of 4 weeks.....
Response: Graag gedaan. En Sandd heeft snel geleverd!
Response: Mijn ontvangen kaartje heeft ook tussen de kerstkaarten gehangen.
Dank je wel voor het hartje!
Response: Graag gedaan, dank je wel voor het hartje.
Ik kreeg deze week mijn kaart binnen voor de nieuwe ronde. Leuk om te lezen dat het in ronde #11 bij jou op 23 sept 20 graden was.........;-)
Veel swap plezier in het nieuwe jaar!
Response: Graag gedaan! Ik had 10 van deze sneeuwpoppen.....spijt dat ik er niet veel meer heb gekocht.
Dank je wel voor je hartje.
Ik wens jou ook veel creativiteit toe in het Nieuwe Jaar!
Response: Graag gedaan, dank je wel voor het hartje.
Fijne feestdagen!
Response: Graag gedaan en misschien wel tot een volgende keer!
Response: Oeps, meestal doe ik nog wel een tapetje om de randjes heen. Ik denk dat het plastic kaartje de oorzaak is geweest. Weer wat geleerd. En nee (helaas voor jou) heb ik er niks extras in gedaan.
Dank je wel voor het hartje!
Response: You're very welcome, thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: Dank je wel voor het hartje.
Ik zie je rating een beetje laat ivm grote drukte op mijn werk (postbezorgen)
Sandd gaat niet over de grenzen, dus dat is jammer. Maar ze hebben wel Decemberzegels voor 50 cent........;-)
Response: Apologies accepted ;-)
I have a complete administration for swaps. Some swaps arrive in 2 days (inlands) some are traveling 6 weeks......
I'm glad they will find its next destination.
Response: Thanks for rating, enjoy your drinks and of course your whole Advent Calendar!
Response: Thanks for rating, enjoy your drinks and of course your whole Advent Calendar!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
Enjoy the hot drinks, I'm sure we'll meet again soon in another swap!
Response: Dank je wel het hartje.
En ik ben ook blij dat ze met Sandd op de beloofde tijd zijn aangekomen!
Response: Dank je wel voor de rating, geniet van de warme dranken én de hele Advent Calender!
Response: Dank je wel voor de rating.
Ik hou een beetje in de gaten wanneer Sandd bezorgt. Deze had eigenlijk 3 november binnen moeten zijn. Ik moet dus wel rekening houden met langere "levertijden"
Response: Dank je wel voor het hartje.
Ik hou een beetje in de gaten wanneer Sandd bezorgt. Deze had eigenlijk 3 november binnen moeten zijn. Ik moet dus wel rekening houden met langere "levertijden"
Geniet van de thee!
Response: Ik zit net een overzicht te maken van de diverse zendingen, om het een beetje in de gaten te houden.
Geniet van de thee, dank je wel voor de rating en het hartje!
Response: Thanks for your kind words, rating and the heart!
We'll meet again, I'm sure.
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
I'm glad it arrived at the other side of the world!
Response: Thanks for rating!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
Maybe we'll meet again in another swap.
Response: Thanks for rating, maybe we'll meet again in another swap!
Response: Thanks for rating ánd the heart.
I'm a slow starter for these things but when all my boxes with small pieces of paper are found back..........
Response: Never mind, sometimes I have the same problem...........
Enjoy you tea. Thanks for ratingg ánd the heart!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: You're welcome, thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: Thanks for rating, enjoy the teas!
Response: You're very welcome.
Thanks for rating and the heart, enjoy your teas!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart! I hope you'll like the teas I sent.
I like to use stamps for inland use, better than the normal international ones. There is not so much choice. The disadvantage is you have to use a bigger row and than it's only possible when you have enough space.
Response: Thanks for letting me know.
Maybe we will meet again in these swaprounds!
Response: You're welcome, I guess we will meet again someday!
Response: You're welcome, maybe we will meet again in another swap!
Response: Thanks for rating, it always makes fun creating PL's!
Response: Thanks for rating. It's such a nice swap!
Response: I'm glad it arrived and I hope it will reach its next destination very soon!
Response: You're very welcome. Private swaps are nice to do.
See you next time!
Response: You're very welcome. Pocket Letters are so cute to create.
Thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: I'm glad you liked them. Thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: You're very welcome. Searching through all my boxes I always find some little treasures.
Thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: You're very welcome, enjoy your tea!
Response: Thanks for your kind words, the rating ánd the heart!
Response: Ik had de swap opgezet en vervolgens had ik weinig inspiratie (vandaar het hij zo laat verstuurd werd). Maar al grasduinend in al die doosjes kwam ik steeds meer tegen.
Dank je wel voor het hartje!
Response: You're very welcome, thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: Graag gedaan, was leuk om te doen.
Ik denk dat we elkaar wel weer een keertje tegen gaan komen. Jammer dat Nederland zo klein is wat dat betreft.....................;-)
Response: You're very welcome. I used the one on the top as a template for the other ones.
Mmmmm........I don't have a copy for further use over here...........;-)
Thanks for rating and the heart. Maybe we'll meet again.
Response: Yes, yes, it reached you at last. With my Dutch sticker to restore it to its destination.
And rather quick...;-)
Thanks for the heart!
Response: As far as I know from pictures Alaska is beautiful. I think it gives a special feeling when flowers show up when the season is short.
Thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: Dank je wel voor je hartje.
En geniet lekker na van je weekje in dit leuke land.
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
Have a nice sunday!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: Thanks for rating ánd the heart. Nice meeting again!
Response: Thnaks for rating and the heart. And I'm glad I made you happy with the stamps. When there is enough room for a series of stamps I always put as much as possible on the envelope. Better than the standard "1 stamp for abroad"
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
Have a nice day!
Response: Thanks for rating ánd the heart!
Response: Graag gedaan, dank je wel voor het hartje!
Response: I'm glad it arrived!
When it takes a long time to return it can mean 2 things: long traveling times between only a few partners. Or a lot of partners with a very tiny handwriting!
Response: The contents of all those boxes with "leftovers" in my room are perfect to create collages!
Thanks for the heart, I'm glad you liked it!
Response: You're very welcome.
Thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: I'm glad you liked my ATC. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Graag gedaan, dank je wel voor je hartje!
Response: Ooh, that's quick. I'm glad it arrived.
I'm curious about the travel-back-time!
I'll let you know.
Response: Ik heb ze zelf ook niet allemaal geprobeerd, dat het maar mag smaken!
Dank je wel voor het hartje!
Response: Graag gedaan, dank je wel voor het hartje!
Response: Graag gedaan, ik probeer vaak in het buitenland thee te kopen om weer uit te wisselen.
Dank je wel voor het hartje.
Response: Thanks for rating, the heart and your kind words!
Response: You're very welcome, thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: Sorry for my late responding. Thank you so much for your kind words, rating and the heart.
Maybe we will meet again in another swap!
Response: You're very welcome.
Thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: Graag gedaan! Dank je wel voor het hartje!
Response: I didn't know the story myself, I also learned something new about my own country ;-)
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Graag gedaan. Dank je wel voor je hartje!
Response: You're very welcome.
Thanks for rating!
Response: My first swap to Kenya........but it arrived!
Thanks for rating and the heart.
I wish you a very Happy New Year!!
Response: You're welcome, thanks for the heart!
Response: Graag gedaan, ik was blij dat ik in Berlijn kaartjes had gekocht, hier zijn ze bijna niet meer te krijgen!
Response: Graag gedaan. Ik heb nooit een compleet plan als ik begin, het groeit vanzelf. En dan realiseer je je hoeveel spullen in al die doosjes en laatjes zitten!
Response: You're welcome, enjoy your tea!
Response: Graag gedaan, dank voor je hartje!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart.
In Berlin I bought a lot of tea. So I don't have to buy Dutch ones next months.....
I always try not to send Dutch tea to my own country, German ones to Germany etc. But it's not always possible..... Enjoy the Oriental one!
Response: You're very welcome, it was nice to create it!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Graag gedaan, het was leuk om hem te maken. Alleen jammer dat ik vergat er een foto van te maken....
Dank je wel voor je hartje en een fijne zondag!
Response: Thanks for the heart, but yes: You have to wait....;-)
Response: Dank je wel voor de rating en het hartje.
Ik geniet erg van deze swap. Leuk om te maken en om jouw beurt een hele tijd naar de wachtende pakjes te kijken!
Response: You're welcome, thanks for the heart!
Enjoy unwrapping the waiting packages next month!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
I always try to re-use envelopes, I guess it was your own from an earlier swap sent to me.
Maybe you can re-re-use it?
Response: Dank je wel voor het hartje en veel plezier met uitpakken!
Response: Graag gedaan, is altijd leuk om te doen. Maar wel voor binnenlandse zendingen. Voor over de grens is het niet leuk meer.....
Response: You're welcome, enjoy unwrapping them! We have to be patient......
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart!
I'm glad you like them all.
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart. It was a cute swap!
Response: You're welcome (again) and thanks for the heart!
Response: And thanks to you for rating and the heart!
Response: I think your blanket is on the same shelf as your wintercoat, cosy socks, scarf, gloves, therm clothing and knitted hat.
Thanks for rating!
Response: You're welcome, thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart. I know all about the German autumn: I'm in Berlin at the moment!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: You're very welcom, thanks for the heart.
Happy Autumn!
Response: Thanks for the heart. I have boxes with all sorts of package materials and now and then I'm suprised myself what I can find in them.......;-)
Response: I'm glad it arrived, thanks to my Excel file, now and then I'm searching for open spaces.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome, these swaps really makes fun!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Dank je, dank je, dank je wel!
Als je eenmaal begint te zoeken in je voorraad besef je pas hoeveel er in al die lades en doosjes zit. En dan weet je gelijk ook weer wat je allemaal hebt. Vandaag is mijn envelop ook binnen gekomen en zijn er weer spulletjes toegevoegd.........;-)
Response: It's amazing the PC arrived in good condition.
Thanks to the glue I ordered on the internet!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're very welcome! It makes so much fun creating envies, sometimes from a little piece of paper.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: It was really a holiday which gave the whole family a very warm feeling!
Thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: You're very welcome. It made fun to collect the items for you.
Thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: You're very welcome, thanks for rating!
Response: It was a "different one" in my postcard box.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Graag gedaan, hij was leuk om te doen. Volgend jaar weer?
En, heb je je adres al veranderd?
Response: You're very welcome, again ;-)
Response: Thanks for rating. And I'm glad it reached its (for me) unknown destination!
Have a nice weekend!
Response: You're very welcome, thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: I'm so glad it arrived after all. We all need to learn to wait in patience sometimes.
Thanks for rating and the heart.
Have a nice weekend!
Response: You're welcome, thanks for rating!
Response: Graag gedaan, geniet er van.
En dank voor je hartje!
Response: You're very welcome and thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: Oeps, dat is echt een fout. Ik heb de envelop laat in de avond gemaakt, dus dat zal eea verklaren. Hulde aan de postbezorger........
Dank je wel voor het hartje en succes met de knoopjes!
Response: Graag gedaan en dank voor het hartje!
Response: Graag gedaan en dank je wel voor het hartje!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart, making this private swap possible and more.
See you next time!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart!!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
Better late rated then never ;-)
Response: Thanks for rating and enjoy the receipe.
My advise: not until winter arrives!
Response: Thanks for rating & the heart.
These rather simple swaps always make fun!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
I hope I can sign in on time for the other ones. But I'm not quit sure how many rounds there will be. Do you?
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
I'm curious about the teabag I put on the card. Did it reach you? It was a small experiment.
Response: Graag gedaan en het was leuk om te doen.
Dank je wel voor het hartje.
Fijn weekend!
Response: Aahh, gelukkig: deze kaart is wel aangekomen. Dank je wel voor het hartje!
Response: Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You're welcome, thanks for rating!
Response: Sorry for my late respond. Thanks for the heart, I'm glad you liked the pocket letter and that you could use the items.
Response: You're very welcome, thanks for the heart.
Have a great weekend!
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: Oops, didn't I mentin the name of the swap? I'm sorry for that.
I'm glad you liked and and thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
I always try to use stamps as much as possible, but on a postcard most of the time there is not enough space.
Response: Graag gedaan en dank je wel voor het hartje!
Response: You're very welcome and thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart!
Such a swap with inside information (and "looking" at someones home) gives a good feeling.
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
I'm looking forward for another round!
Response: You're very welcome!
Thanks for the heart, have a nice weekend!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
Have a nice weekend!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
Have a nice weekend!
Response: That's what I thought when I received your tea swap ;-)
Thanks for rating and have a nice evening!
Response: Thanks for rating ánd the heart!
It was fun to create it.
Have a nice day!
Response: Thanks for rating ánd the heart!
Have a sunny day, at this moment it is summer with high temperatures. More than 10 degrees difference with a couple of days ago!
Response: Thanks for rating ánd the heart!
Response: Welcome again. Tea swaps are easy to do, there are a lot of them and it always makes me happy.
Thanks for rating, maybe we'll meet again ;-)
Response: Thanks for the heart!
And about the stamp: I use them a lot. They are lovely and also self adhesive. It's better on packages.
Response: Thanks for your compliments and the heart.
Pocket Letters make fun to create. Sometimes difficult to start up, but then inspiration comes by itself.
Have a nice weekend!
Response: You're welcome, thanks for the heart!
Response: Graag gedaan, was leuk alles bij elkaar te zoeken.
Dank je wel voor het hartje!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart, I'm glad they both reached you!
Response: Graag gedaan en geniet van de thee!
Response: You're very welcome, thanks for the heart!
Response: You're very welcome! It's fun to create such a house, it was my first one.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome and thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: Thanks for rating ánd the heart!
Response: I'm glad the ladies arrived. Spring has arrived bit by bit over here.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: It reached you very quick! Most of the time it takes 2-3 weeks to the USA. The other way round about 6-7 days. Do the Europeans bring them by rowingboat?
Have a nice weekend!
Response: It reached you very quick! Most of the time it takes 2-3 weeks to the USA. The other way round about 6-7 days. Do the Europeans bring them by rowingboat?
Have a nice weekend!
Response: It reached you very quick! Most of the time it takes 2-3 weeks to the USA. The other way round about 6-7 days. Do the Europeans bring them by rowingboat?
Have a nice weekend!
Response: Oh, that's a coincidence! A have an old atlas with road maps. And I've picked one which suits into my template.
Have a nice weekend and thanks for rating!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
My motto: never throw away PC's of which you think you'll never send them in your life!
Happy Easter!
Response: You're very welcome! It was fun to create it.
Thanks for the heart!!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
It always makes fun collecting items and simply putting them into an envie!
Response: You're welcome!
These 2 weeks I didn't see any clouds over here. There is much wind, so it's not (what we call it here in the family) wintersport-weather, but inside the house, with my big windows towards the sun...........mmmmmmm!
Response: Dank je wel voor de rating en het hartje. Ik vind het steeds leuker worden zelf enveloppen te maken.
De thee heb ik gekocht bij Delhaize, de Belgische supermarkt. Ik loop in het buitenland altijd te speuren naar thee die weer een beetje apart is. ;-)
Dat het maar mag smaken!
Response: Graag gedaan, het was heerlijk weer eens te kleuren.
Dank je wel voor het hartje.
En ik stuur je een PB
Response: You're welcome and thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart!
Response: It's fun to create envelopes from an old roadmap or atlas. It's a challenge to find something from the country the receiver lives.
We call that "een schot in de roos" . In English that means "bullit's eye"!
Thanks you for your enthusiasm , for rating and the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: I'm glad they arrived, I was curious about that.
Thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: Sometimes we say, while delivering the mail: people have to pay for the gym, we receive money for that!
Thanks for rating and the heart.
Response: Ik vond het ook doodeng, heb ook een tijdje gezocht voordat ik er eentje had gevonden die naar het buitenland verzond én waar de betaling veilig was. Service en snelheid waren prima!
Dank je wel voor je hartje!
Response: And thanks for the heart. See you on FB!
Response: You're very welcome!
It lasted longer to arrive I think. The package was 108 grs (that means € 6,26 postage....). But I put € 3,75 on it (50-100 grs)
After a couple of days I received a kind request to pay extra. I desided not to pay this time ;-)
My friend was very very happy with the teabags!
Thanks for this swap and maybe we'll meet again!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
It really makes fun to create on!
Response: You're very welcome! Thanks for rating and the heart.
Response: You're very welcome and thanks for the heart!
I often search by Google to get more information about a subject. Every day I learn new things!
Response: Graag gedaan en geniet van de thee.
Ik pak vaak in huishoudfolie in: kleine dingetjes blijven zo beter op hun plaats en gaan niet aan de wandel tijdens het postproces. Als postbezorger sta ik vaan met zendingingen waar alles op 1 hoop zit.
Dank je wel voor het hartje!
Response: Graag gedaan! Ik ben ook altijd op zoek naar verdere info. Bijv. in welke webshop kaarten gekocht zijn. En zo kom je dan ineens in een Litouwse shop terecht, of een Russische....
Dank je wel voor het hartje!
Response: It was a pleasure to fill the envelope again with teas ;-)
Response: It was fun to send it this way and because cherrytea is hard to find and I had one in my big teabox.....I had to do it.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Enjoy them all, thanks for the heart!
Response: Graag gedaan en dank je wel voor het hartje!
Response: You are very welcome and thanks for the heart!
Response: You're very welcome!
Thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart!
Sleep well......
Response: Enjoy your tea and thanks for the heart!
Response: It took me a while to write it, because there was not much to tell. But when I start writing.....I don't have enough paper ;-)
Thanks for rating and the heart.
Response: You're very welcome and thanks for the heart!
Response: You survived the chocolate? Then I'll try it myself this week ;-)
Thanks for rating and the heart.
We'll meet again, I guess!
Response: You're very welcome.
And it arrived in such a short time!
Thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
Enjoy your tea!
Response: Ook deze kwam uit een swap bot uitwisseling. Ik heb een doos vol met kaarten, soms denk ik wel eens: waar moet ik die voor gebruiken? Uiteindelijk komt er wel weer een bestemming.
Response: En zo komt alles toch weer goed. Dank je wel voor het hartje.
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
THe Netherlands has a devided country these days: in the north you can skate on the streets, schools are closed, milk can't be collected at the farms (they have to throw it away.....) and there is no mail delivery.
In the south we have rain and rain and rain 8 degrees!
Response: Empty teabags are the only items in the world with no weight at all, don't you think? So, it's easy to put some extra ones into the envelope.
Thanks for rating and the heart.
Enjoy you teas!
Response: Graag gedaan, je kunt je beter uitleven voor een binnenlandse zending dan eentje voor het buitenland, zoals ik vorig jaar heb gedaan. Qua portokosten word je daar niet vrolijk van. Ik ben blij dat ik je bij heb kunnen maken.
Fijne Feestdagen!
Response: You're welcome and thanks for rating!
I ordered the card at, but I can't find them anymore.......
My box with postcards is still filled, but addresses are very welcome. It's an adventure to buy abroad.
One of my favorites was from Lithuania. But prices are getting higher and shippingcosts are rising. In my memory I ordered there a lot without extra costs.....
Response: Dank je wel voor de tips. Ik zoek ook wel eens op , een veilingsite.
Voor leuke prijsjes kun je daar ook echt oude ansichtkaarten vinden.
Fijne feestdagen!
Response: Thanks for rating and enjoy the teas!
We'll meet again, I guess!
Response: Thanks for rating!
Response: You're welcome, enjoy the tea!
Response: Die is snel aangekomen! Dank je wel voor het hartje en nogmaals fijne dagen!
Response: Dank je wel voor het hartje en nogmaals fijne dagen!
Response: Same to you! Thanks for rating and the heart and my best wishes!
Response: You're welcome and thanks for rating.
My best wishes to you!
Response: You're welcome. It's always a challenge to find as many different onces as possible.
Thanks for rating and the heart.
Response: Thanks for rating.
Have a warm December!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for rating. Have a warm December!
Response: Dank je wel voor het hartje!
Ik wens je een gezellige en warme Decembermaand!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
As I said: I hope to visit the city soon!
Response: Graag gedaan, losse thee is lastig te krijgen. Je moet er tegenwoordig voor "naar de grote stad" bij speciaalzaken. En als je iets leuks ziet past het weer net niet door de brievenbus. (bijv. bij De Tuinen)
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for rating and enjoy your tea!
Response: You're welcome!
Thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart!
Your teabags and labels will find their way again to my friends.
We'll meet again, I think!
Response: I love the smell of all different teabags when you open the envelope!
Enjoy them and thanks for rating.
Response: It took a long time to complete it, I did'nt have any inspiration. It just stared at me.....please, finish it! And when the deadline arrives it all comes together.
Thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for rating and have a smashing weekend!
Response: Ooh, you received them in just 3 days, that's quick!
When there is enough space on my envelope I always try to put as much stamps as I can find. Just going to the postoffice and receiving a printed sticker...I don't like that at all.
What's your idea about a private swap?
Response: You're welcome. It was not as easy as I thought to find words which are different in both languages. I mean: appel = apple...;-(
Response: Ik ben blij dat mijn steentje heb kunnen bijdragen!
Response: You're welcome, thanks for rating and the heart.
I love these swaps: easy, fun to search for PC's out of my box to make another one happy again.
Response: Thanks for all your compliments, it was fun to create this swap. First there's no idea at all, then it grows and grows and you can send it with deadline in sight!
I hope the recipe will be satisfying.
Response: You're welcome! It's a liitle bit strange to send a photo of yourself so everyone can see you......
And yes, there are a lot of copies, the whole family kept them in boxes or albums.
Response: You're welcome! These kind of swaps always give a lot of fun!
Thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: hoi,
Om een of andere reden kon ik hier niet eerder reageren, gebeurt wel vaker.
Dank je wel voor het hartje.
En ik geef altijd een extraatje als uitleg, leuker dan de kaarten zomaar in de envelop te stoppen. Dat is wel erg simpel. ;-)
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
Lots of succes with building the houses!
Response: Thanks for rating, I'm glad the PC reached you.
And Iceland gives me warm feelings and memories!
Have a nice day
Response: More Werther's = higher postage ;-(
Next time I'll send another one!
Thanks for rating!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
And yes, please do not send to much rain from your country to mine....
Response: It makes fun to search in a stack of magazines for a page fitting to the theme.
Thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: Graag gedaan. Ik probeer inderdaad altijd zo dicht mogelijk bij iemands voorkeur te komen. Is dan ook meer een uitdaging, anders wordt het wel een beetje eenvoudig.
Fijn weekend!
Response: You're very welcome!
Thanks for rating ánd the heart.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for rating!
Response: Thank for rating and the heart. I hope the chocolate is still edible. It's hot these days in the bag on my bike, in the mailbox on the street, afterwards in the van/train/plane/boat/bus/car and later with your Finnish mailman/-woman -)
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
Yes, your translation is OK. It's really better to stay away from this man!
Response: I should take more pictures of the goodies I put in my Pocket Letters, I only make ones of the front and back sides. So, I don't know which buttons I've send.'re very welcome!
Response: Thanks for rating ánd of course the heart!
Response: I'm glad you liked it and thanks for rating!
Response: Graag gedaan. Ik moet toch eens wat meer foto's maken van datgene wat ik verstuur, want ik heb even een blackout. Weet wel waar de postzegels in zaten, maar voor de rest...........
Response: Thanks for rating, give my matryoshka a hug ;-)
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart. We have had some cooler days (about 20 degrees Celsius) and this night at some sheltered places there can be night frost. ;-P
But in 2 days temperatures are rising again and I can use ice cream again!
Response: It always makes fun colouring and change it into a pocket letter or an envelope.
Thank for rating and the heart.
Have a nice weekend!
Response: Because of my days off I'm a little bit late with my reaction.
It was fun to colour again and change it into the pocket letter.
Thanks for rating and the heart.
Response: Because of my days off I'm a little bit late with my reaction.
Thanks for rating and the heart.
Response: Graag gedaan, ik weet zeker dat ik het leuk vond om te maken...maar ik heb er helaas geen foto van gemaakt. Kun je mijn geheugen even opfrissen, als is het maar even van een fragment van mijn "kunstwerk"?
Response: Graag gedaan en dat de spullen hun weg weer vinden naar verre bestemmingen!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart. The more Pocket Letters I send the more fun it gives to me!
Response: You're welcome, thanks for rating and have a nice day!
Response: Ik ben blij dat deze Oosterse dame bij je is aangekomen.
Dank je wel voor je hartje!
Response: It was fun to colour again. Thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
To make such envelopes: just unfold them. I did it myself for this swap!
Úp to more spicy food, I love sambal goreng with beans, pepesan and lots more!
Response: It makes fun to choose something as close as possible to someones profile/preferences. Searching on the internet helped me out to search for crows.
Thanks for rating and the heart.
Have a nice weekend!
Response: Thanks for rating, have a nice weekend!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart. Because of a short holiday my reaction is a little bit later!
Response: It arrived already? That's very quick!
It was fun to collect the items for you. Thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: You're welcome. I always try to tell as much as possible on a postcard. I always get in trouble because I don't have enough space....
Thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: You're welcome, these simple swaps are always fun.
Thanks for rating ánd the heart.
Response: I'm glad it arrived at last.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for rating, it was fun to create it!
Response: Dit it arrive in good condition? I'm curious about that.
It was fun to create it.
Thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: Thanks for the compliments, it was was again!
Also thanks for rating and the heart.
Response: Oops, forgot to answer you....
Thanks for rating ánd the heart. Up to better weather and Spring!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart, It was fun to find all the items and send them to Norway. I still want to visit your country again!
Response: Thanks for rating ánd the heart. Have a nice weekend!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for rating and the heart. Have a nice sunday evening!
Response: Graag gedaan. Ik maak bijna geen gebruik meer van witte enveloppen. Kleurplaten zijn ook heel leuk om te gebruiken en reisgidsen etc.....een onuitputtelijke bron!
Response: Thanks for rating ánd the heart.
It was nice to find all the items for you.
All my best wishes to you and your lovely country!
Response: Thanks for your compliments, rating ánd the heart!
Because of the fact Swap-bot is in English I always try to put some Dutch in the swaps I send ;-)
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for rating and the heart.
Have a nice weekend!
Response: Thank for rating ánd the heart!
Have a nice evening!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
I created the envelope out of page of a coloring book. I decided to add no color at all....
Response: Graag gedaan, ben de laatste tijd verslingerd aan de kleurplaten. Als het even kan gebruik ik geen gewone witte enveloppen meer. Dit is veel leuker!
Dank je wel voor je hartje!
Response: I had to think very last ones...and then I rememberd again. I was very careful using them, but on one moment: Now I'll send them!
Response: I'm glad the postcard survived the trip. It looked so fragile.......
A lot of tourists visit Delft, but the city has so many hidden alleys and corners, sometimes you think you're the first one who discovered it.
Response: You're welcome, it was fun to search for the items. Enjoy the tea and the chocolate!
Response: I'm glad this little one reached you ;-)
Thanks for rating!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for rating and the heart.
Have a nice weekend!
Response: I'm looking forward to it!
Response: About the stamp: pure accidental. I bought the stamps because abroad they love it all. I didn't knew I had a postcard as well....
Thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: English and Dutch don't differ that much!
Response: Dank je wel voor het compliment. Lastig om er bestaande dingen voor te vinden, dus daarom maar zelf aan de knutsel. En dat is wel zo leuk!
Response: There are lots of sorts left, so maybe next time??
Thanks for rating and the heart.
Response: You're welcome. My best wishes for 2015!
Response: Graag gedaan, jullie ook Fijne Kerstdagen, geniet er van!
Response: The sticker was sent from Belgium ;-)
Thanks for rating!
Response: Ooohh, I'm glad it arrived!
Have fun with unwrapping them!
Response: I hope the chocolate will be tasteful too.
Thanks for the hearts of these 2 coulour swaps!
Response: I'm glad you liked the beads, maybe you can send a photo of the result, whenever it may be?
Was there also a use for the beads I put at last into the box? If not: resend them!
Response: You're welcome, it was fun doing it, collecting things troughout the month.
I wish you a very warm December!
Response: Thanks for rating. May the socks give you warm feet!
Response: You're welcome, thanks for rating and the heart. I think we'll meet again soon.....
Response: From The Netherlands to the USA in 4 days???????? It's a world record, did they introduce the Concorde again?
Thanks for rating and the heart, I'm excited about the voyage of my PC !!
Response: You're welcome, thanks for rating and we'll meet again I think!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
I think we will meet again!
Response: The world is small sometimes ;-)
Thanks for rating!
Response: Thanks for rating and again all my best wishes.
Response: Dank je wel voor de rating en het hartje.
En blijf je inhouden in de winkel!
Response: Graag gedaan, ik denk dat we elkaar nog wel een keertje tegenkomen!
Response: Dank je wel voor de rating.
Nogmaals fijne dagen!
Response: Heb vandaag een paar uur moeten postbezorgen, ik ben tussendoor naar huis gegaan om nog maar een extra laagje aan te trekken!
Fijne dagen en bedankt voor je hartje
Response: I'm glad it arrived in a couple of days and I wish you a lot of pleasure opening the presents. It was a joy creating them.
Response: The more you're trying to create/wrap/etc the more inspiration you get.
It was fun to do.
Thanks for this swap and I'm curious about what's inside your creations!
I have 1 problem: 12 presents are staring at me and I have to be patient.....
It's good to take a picture of the things you send, I almost forgot....
Response: Let's hope we both find that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow ;-)
Response: You're welcome and thanks for rating!
Response: How quick my card arrived! I'm very happy with that.
Thanks for rating and the heart, it was fun writing to you!
Response: Thanks for rating, the heart ánd the swap!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart. This swap made fun!
Response: Dank je wel voor reaktie. Mijn dochter vond het leuk dat haar dromenvanger weer een nieuwe bestemming heeft gevonden!
Response: You're welcome, it's gives a good feeling sending something which is really appreciated!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
It was fun to send these items!
Response: Enjoy your tea (with a cookie or a piece of chocolate?) and have a great day!
Response: Enjoy your tea!
I don't remember the stamps, are there 2 with a cup on it? If so, they are made for Douwe Egberts because of their jubilee. They are also the manufacturer of Pickwick Tea
Response: Thanks for rating and have a nice day!
Response: I have to admit: we all send very expensive teabags because of the postage, but it makes fun!
Have a nice day!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart.
I wish you a colourful autumn, enjoy your items!
Response: Thanks for rating!
Sometimes I receive teabags which I don't love that much. I don't want to resend them because of the collection of my friend. She is so excited when she receives new ones.
And when you meet a swap partner a couple of times, sometimes it's not easy to send something new.
I'm into a balancing act........
Response: Thanks for rating!
I'll keep the apple pie tea in mind when we meet again!
Response: Thanks for rating, the heart ánd the explanation about birthdays in your country.
Have a nice weekend!
Response: I'm glad it arrived in time and that you enjoyed it.
Thanks for rating.
I think we'll meet again in another swap.
Have a nice weekend!
Response: Graag gedaan. Mijn voorraad wordt ook steeds groter, maar dan kun je er ook uitbundig gebruik van maken!
Response: sorry for my late respond, these last weeks were very busy and I it slipped my mind. I'm glad it arrived this time ;-)
Response: Because of a few very busy weeks it slipped my mind to answer you.
The tea is delicious!
Response: In Dutch we say "hè hè, eindelijk aangekomen" = 'finally arrived"
Next time I'll bring it by bike ;-)
Response: You're welcome!
Enjoy using them in (maybe a new) creation!
Response: I'm glad you liked them all.
See you in a next swap!
Response: Thanks for rating.
Today's menu: fish (purely coinsidental). Hoki (from Asia) in marinade. It was very delicious!
Response: It was fun to collect all the items.
Thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: You're welcome, thanks for rating and have a wonderful weekend!
Response: I like to tell something more about the postcards I send. You're never too old to learn new things.
Till the next time!
Response: You're very welcome!
Response: I've no idea about the mountains. I received the photo from my daughter. It belongs to this collection:
Thanks for rating!
Response: And my reaction is late too, because of a broken down laptop. But it's alive again!
Thanks for rating and the heart.
Response: Thank for rating and the heart. I'm glad you liked the items.
And about your name: Your real name sounds Dutch: we use the letters "ui" in names and a lot of other words, and foreigners can't pronounce that at all! And when I look at the end of your name I thought it came from the northern part of The Netherlands. A lot of names ends with "sma" . So, maybe you have Dutch roots?
Response: Geeft niks, beter laat dan nooit!
Tot een volgende keer ;-)
Response: Heerlijk, zo'n pakketje te maken als je vakantie hebt......;-)
Response: I'm glad they all arrived and thanks for swapping!
Response: Thanks for rating. I am so curious in what state the card would arrive.....
Response: Graag gedaan en een fijn weekend toegewenst!
Response: It's always fun to puzzle for little ingredients to make a new card!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: It was fun to create it. Thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: Mijn reaktie komt ook niet zo snel. Veel te mooi weer om achter de pc te zitten. Mijn tuintje was even iets prettiger!
Tot een volgende keer!
Response: Sorry for my late response. We have had lovely weather and I've spend a lot of time in my garden.
Thanks for rating and the heart.
Response: Collecting lace and ribbons and nice pictures can be used into something new. And it's fun to make!
Response: My collection of used cards, pieces of lace and ribbon etc. is growing and growing. And just browsing and browsing around gives my a little bit creativity!
Response: You're welcome, It was fun making it!
Response: Blij dat ik wat passends heb kunnen vinden.
En wat betreft de chai: volgens mij heb ik die bij Xenos gekocht. Dus als je het lekker vindt weet je waar het te koop is (als het nog in het assortiment zit....)
Response: I'm glad everything reached you in 1 piece. It was a big puzzle to put it in a flat package and to do it within the weight limitations ;-)
Response: Spring is coming (in a few days it will be about 20 degrees) and I'll enjoy my view more and more! I want to be very old in this house!
Response: It was fun making it (my first one). Thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: It's easier to build a new station then a replacement: tear the old one down, build a new one and during this operation people still want to travel by bus, train, tram and subway during this period of 7 years. Tomorrow there will be the official opening by our (also) new king.
Response: You're welcome, enjoy your tea!
Response: I was fun to collect all the items during these weeks!
Response: Pfff........I'm glad it arrived, because you'll never know!
Response: You're welcome, it was fun to write a letter for this swap instead of just putting things into an envelope.
Response: Sorry for my delayed reaction.
It's always a challenge to put so much teabags into an envelope and prevent them from going into 1 big pile which doesn't fit into your mailbox.
And I thought Pinterest is one big world, now it seems te be small sometimes......
Response: I'm glad all items are welcome, I should have send 2 rolpiepers.....
And to admit: we used the sugar ourselves!
Maybe we'll meet in another swap.
Response: You're welcome!
It's great to receive tea from another country. But it's not great loving one and not be able to buy a box of it.......;-)
Response: It gives a good felling to give your partner a horrible day ;-)
Sorry I responded that late, I've been sending a lot of items these days and it took a lot of time.
Maybe we'll meet again in anaother swap!
Response: You're welcome! It's always a challenge to find something suitable in my fast growing collection of cards, stamps, tape, etc. etc. Nowadays I say to my family: don't throw things away, maybe I still can use them.
Have a nice day and thanks for rating.
Response: Graag gedaan, óp naar de lente(thee)!
Response: You're welcome, thanks for rating and Happy New Year!
Response: Thanks for rating. I hope you feel feel better soon.
Happy New Year to you and your family!
Response: I'm glad you liked my package and thanks for rating.
Happy New Year to you and your family!
Response: You're welcome, and I wish you a Happy New Year!
Response: Thanks for the compliment, but I have to admit something: my daughter helped me out to fold the teabags, I finished the card itself. We have found it (the old-fashioned way) in a Dutch booklet. I think you have to search on YouTube. This lady explaines it rather good:
It is another flower, but maybe you get some ideas?
Response: You're welcome, I hope they will not make too much noise!
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the haert!
Response: Have a lot of fun in a couple of days!
Response: Thanks, have a nice day too!
Response: Onder het motto "beter laat dan nooit", dank voor de rating!
Response: Thanks for rating, happy holidays to you too!
Response: Thanks for the haert and the compliment!
Response: Thanks for your heart, I enjoyed making the card.
Response: It was a challenge to create it ;-)
Thanks for the haert!
Response: You're welcome! Up to another one.
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart. I could not respond earlier because of a couple of lovely days in London....
Response: Thanks for rating!
Response: You're welcome! It always gives a good feeling finding something suitable in my big postcardbox.
Response: It is really a big relief. And I think you were not that impatient. I think it went first to the USA, then to Canada and Japan and finally to you. ;-)
I almost forgot I have send an owl as well!
Thanks again for the conspiracy!
Response: Thanks for rating and enjoy the tea!
Response: Mijn reaktie was hetzelfde, maar ook ik kreeg uit Nederland een hoop verschillende. 1 Swapper per land zou beter zijn geweest, maar dan waren er wel erg weinig deelnemers geweest. Ik denk wel tot een volgende keer!
Response: You're welcome, thanks for rating!
Response: Thanks for rating and your compliments!
Response: Thanks for rating. There is still (after 4 months) a lot of afterglowing in the family!
Response: You're welcome and thanks for rating.
Response: That quick from The Netherlands to the USA? Amazing!
Merry Christmas!
Response: Thanks for rating and enjoy your tea!
Response: I'm glad this one did reach you, thanks for rating!
Response: You're welcome, thanks for rating!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Thanks for your rating. It's nice learning something more about the world. Not just say "hallo" on a postcard ;-)
Response: Thanks for the compliments!
Response: Oeps, dat had ik even over het hoofd gezien.
Er zijn theesoorten die je heet moet drinken, dit is er eentje van.
Response: You're welcome, thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Days are getting shorter, but there is still "light" ....
Response: I'm glad you liked it all and that it arrived so soon. Greetings, José
Response: Moet nog steeds een beetje wennen waar en wanneer ik wat kan vinden. Mijn reaktie komt een beetje laat, maar graag gedaan!